So I got home from work today and had been mentally preparing myself all day for a workout; however I made the BIG mistake of sitting down on the couch and telling myself that I could check Facebook and email for a bit before I went. Now everyone is different but for me I know that my chances of going to the gym are the highest the moment I walk through the door and with every moment I let myself get involved in something at home whether it be making dinner, wrapping up some work, or mindless computer surfing the less likely that I am to walk through the door again to go to the gym.
To my credit though yesterday at 7PM after catching up on all my "interneting" and nearly falling asleep on the couch, I forced myself to change into my gym clothes and put my shoes on. Begrudgingly I dragged my feet to the car while thinking of all the other things I need to do this evening, but a couple things got me over the hump and excited about my workout.
First my accountability to my readers. Like I said in my very first post, committing to something in front of others whether it be aloud or on paper (or I guess the computer screen in this case) gives me another level of accountability which is motivation to reach my goals! Second my desire to keep unnecessary pregnancy pounds at bay and to keep up my physical stamina so when I do return to running (Oh what a glorious day that will be!), I will still have some muscles to use and some lung capacity. And finally my overall desire to stay healthy and help Baby Smith have the best possible start for a healthy life.
In the end, I earned myself another gold star (Hmm... maybe keeping track of my gold stars will serve as motivation. It worked in grade school, right?!) for DAY TWO at the gym. I worked out for 37 minutes- 15 minutes on the Elliptical and 22 on the Treadmill with an incline.
GOAL: To make it to the gym again on Wednesday and incorporate the Stairmaster (I love the Stairmaster and am very grateful for what it does to my rear but it is definitely more difficult with a baby onboard!)

My challenge to you- what is your goal for your life this week- whether it be health and fitness related, career, relationship, friendship, social, etc.? What is something that is going to improve your sense of life balance? Think about it and whatever it is GO FOR IT!
Great post, Erin! I totally agree about working out going out the window if I get involved in something. I have to go either early in the morning or directly from work (no going home first) or it WON'T happen =)