Everyone has a hobby that they enjoy because it transports them to a magical world- one where you don't think about the dishes in the sink, the work that is waiting for you, or how angry or frustrated you are with so and so. As long as I can remember, for me this came from physical activity. My family has always placed a high value on physical activity and eating healthy. My siblings and I were always involved in some sort of sport and most of the time it was more than one. As a kid (Sounds so weird saying that because it feels like it was yesterday!), I used to love dance and soccer practices because when I was there I focused on the task at hand and for those few hours nothing else in the world made any difference. Nowadays, running gives me that same sort of time warp.
I accidentally fell in love with running. It began as a way to get in shape before my wedding and little did I know that it would help me gain so much more than a fit figure. When I talk about how much I love running with most people, they look at me like I have ten heads. How can you love running? Isn't it boring? Its such a repetitive activity. For me running filled a void in my life, something I had not experienced in awhile- true drive and competition. It constantly challenged me to go just a little bit further and a little bit faster. And I could and I did! One of the amazing things I have noticed about running and our bodies is that you can always run at least a little further than you think you can. I signed up for races left and right to challenge myself to go beyond what I once thought my physical limitations were. Never had I ever pictured myself running a 10-Miler in 90 degree heat or completing a half-marathon or even tossing around the idea of a full marathon!
I ran up until March 27th of this year (Monument Avenue 10K was my last run) and then my hobby fell to the wayside. I lost some of my steam which I will mostly contribute to the pregnancy hormones but will admit they weren't all to blame- I had lost some of my drive. Running wasn't as easy as it had been and I too quickly threw in the towel and used the infamous "I can't I have a baby" line. Looking back, I wish I would have toughed it out a little more. I have read some great articles and inspiring blogs about women who run throughout pregnancy and it makes me slightly jealous and slightly regretful that I didn't try a little harder.
On the bright side though, I can't wait for the day when I can throw my running shoes on and just run until I can't go any further. A friend of mine jokes that as soon as Baby Smith is delivered, I am going to hand him over to Hunter, grab my running shoes, and hit the road! (This always makes me sigh and think if only...) I am realizing that running like most things in my life aren't going to be quite the same. Running will be more of a challenge at least physically for awhile but the even bigger challenge will probably be having the time. (I have warned Hunter though that being able to get back into running and into shape is going to be key to my sanity!) I know that there is a rough road ahead of me and that diving back into running may mean sacrificing a little sleep, some time with my baby (at least until he's old enough to join me in the jogging stroller), and some time with my husband (that is unless I can convince him to join me- I will say my odds on that one aren't very good!). But I also have to remember what I will be gaining (sanity, drive and self-confidence) and losing (baby weight!)
Well this has been my ode to my dear friend running- I am eagerly awaiting our reunion!
My own running story is a little different - I came from a background of fearing and rejecting physical activity. But I can definitely relate to the idea of it filling a void. I only recently started enjoying the idea of competition and pushing myself a little further (before I was more a relaxed jog kind of runner) and I feel so much more alive and driven! I'm really inspired by your commitment and eagerness to get back to running after Baby Smith is born. I'm sure it will be tough, but even more rewarding!