To help pass the time, cure some of my restlessness, and encourage Baby Smith along, I have been getting in about 45 minutes at the gym four or five days a week. It is also kind of nice when you are at the gym and people ask how far along you are, and then when you tell them they are very impressed with your dedication. However, I think I may have overstayed my welcome this week because I am beginning to make the older ladies who work the front desk nervous. I think they are afraid that I could just give birth at anytime! I now have to provide them with emergency contacts when I come in. So to ease their anxiety, I think Baby Smith and I are going to stick to walking outside. (Not a bad thing with this AMAZING fall weather!)
I have been listening to my body and not pushing myself- well for the most part. I must say that it is hard to feel like you are working out without "working" a little bit. There have been some times when I've been out walking that I have had some pretty serious cramping but have just slowed my pace, taken some deep breaths, and kept on going. (I'm convinced that pushing through this discomfort will help me deal with labor pains better.)
I have had a couple good runs with pre-labor contractions. At least for me, contractions feel pretty much how you think they would- at this point they aren't too painful, just uncomfortable and can take my breath away. According to our midwife, these have been good practice for me and have been warming-up my muscles for when the real thing comes along. (Makes sense, I guess. It would be like running your race without stretching and doing some warm-ups beforehand.) And the contractions have not been in vain, but have actually dilated me to 3 cm- which again according to our midwife, many women would kill for. She said that it doesn't necessarily mean he is coming anytime soon (some women dilate that much and stay that way until their due date or later) but it is a good sign that Baby Smith does indeed want to join us!
A couple people have asked me if I'm scared about labor and delivery, and a few months ago I would have answered YES. (I remember reading the labor and delivery section of What to Expect and having a total meltdown because I didn't want to give birth- not really an option when you are seven months in!!) However, I'm pretty sure that is why God makes pregnancy nine months long because by the ninth month you are feeling miserable and just ready to be "done" that you don't care how your baby gets out of there! I have accepted that there are only two ways for Baby Smith to come out and have made peace with what is going to be asked of my body. I'm SURE it will still be the hardest thing I've ever done, but I think I am in a much better mindset to handle the challenge. Plus I'll get to meet my handsome son, who I have already grown to love more than I can imagine.
So here's to wishing and hoping our little bundle of joy doesn't keep me waiting too much longer!
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