Around lunch time we took a little walk to get some fresh air in hopes of brightening our spirits. We walked for about 30 minutes. By the time we got home I was feeling a little sore, so we headed back to the couch to rest. I began rethinking my trip to the gym scheduled for this evening because even though I'm anxious to get back I don't want to push it too soon and sideline myself even longer.

I decided to settle for lifting some free weights and popping in Tracy Anderson's Post-Pregnancy Work Out DVD. (Tracy is Gwyneth Paltrow's trainer. She is 5 ft tall and gained 60 pounds when she was pregnant with her son. It is AWESOME to have a workout designed by someone who has been there!) Lifting my little 5 pound weights felt good; sadly, the DVD did not feel as good. It was not the DVD's fault by any means. It was mine. I had done about fifteen minutes of it the day before and I don't think my body was up for repeating it just yet.
I think I'm going to stick to walking outside (as long as the weather cooperates), lifting weights at home, and occasionally sticking in a workout DVD when I can make the time at least for one more week. It seems like my body is telling me that it would like a little more time to heal and I can't say that I blame it. Frankly, I am still amazed at what a woman's body does during pregnancy and labor & delivery and how quickly it naturally rebounds.
I'm so proud of you for not only working so hard to stay fit, but also for being a super mom, and for listening to your body and knowing when to take a knee. You rock!