Monday, January 31, 2011

Week Eleven Check In: Running Buddies and a New Hurdle

This past week went well. I managed to get in three running days: 3.6 miles on Tuesday, 7 miles on Saturday, and another 3.6 miles on Sunday. I just can't wait until the days are a little longer and a little warmer and my window of opportunity for running gets a little wider!

I weighted in at 118 pounds! Yahoo!! Another pesky pound has been lost, three more to go. I'm still working on my midsection, but am feeling like I'm seeing results so that keeps me motivated. Plus Target has put out their bathing suits just in case I needed an additional kick in the butt!

Not the most flattering running shirt, not that I can totally blame my stomach on it...

On Saturday, I was lucky enough to have another running buddy- my sister. She completed her 4 mile run which was part of her training plan for the Monument Avenue 10K in Richmond. It is so nice to run with someone. Even if you aren't conversing, it is awesome just to have another person to keep you going. Being spoiled the past two Saturdays with buddies makes me think about trying harder to find someone to run with on a regular basis.

Can you believe we are sisters? She definitely got the tall genes!!

Until I find a buddy, I have at least discovered dailymile. It seems almost like a facebook for exercise junkies. You can post how far you run, walk, swim, etc. and track your workouts. You set up a profile where in addition to your workouts you can post races, routes, and photos. It also has this cool little race widget that gives you a countdown to your races, which I like because sometimes March just seems like ages away until you realize its basically February and your first race is 40 days away!! You can also search for other runners in your area. I just joined the site so there is still much to learn. If you are a member, go ahead and find me. I'm under Erin Smith, runner, and the area is Warrenton, VA (even though I'm in Purcellville... need to look into that more).

This week I have a new hurdle - WORK - to get in the way of my workouts. Today is my last day of maternity leave. I don't want to discuss it too much because its kind of a touchy subject and I'm a little (well okay more than a little) emotional about it. On the bright side, I will be working from home and am going back on more of a part-time basis. I know you are probably thinking, what do I have to complain about, but when you want to stay home and focus your energy on raising your kid(s), being a rockstar wife, and managing the household anything that stands in your way can make you a little grumpy. But for now, I am just going to have to add awesome employee to my list as well. I'm just praying for the wisdom and grace to be able to balance it all.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

1,000+ Miles in 2011!?!

Some of you may have noticed the new ticker on the right hand side of my blog, so I just thought I'd let you know what I'm up to. Another mommy runner blogger (That's a mouthful!) Tall Mom On The Run, started a lifestyle challenge to her readers last year. The challenge was to complete 1,000 miles- walking, running, swimming- in hopes to promote fitness and healthy habits. The challenge was such a big hit, she decided to do it again this year. Everyone logs their miles on a shared spreadsheet that is broken down by month and also gives your grand total. (Huge kudos to her for compiling and overseeing the spreadsheet on top of working, running, and being a wife and mother!!) The spreadsheet also lists participants' blogs (great if you are looking for more runner and mommy blogs to read!), upcoming races, and space to leave your fellow runners little inspiration messages and cheers. Tall Mom also occasionally sends out challenges such as "meet" three people on the spreadsheet by reading and commenting on their blog. It is so awesome to see runners from all over the country and even a few international runners accepting this challenge and enjoying the opportunity to support other runners. It reminds me how big the running community, especially the mommy running community, really is! This challenge is another way to have some accountability as well as a network of people to cheer you on.

1,000 miles seems like a GIANT number at first, but when you break it down it is only about 2.80 miles/day. With half marathon and marathon training, I figured that number is not so daunting. I'm giving it a go and you'll be able to follow my progress with my fancy ticker. (I'm learning all sorts of new bloggy things!) I've only managed a whopping 34.6 miles for January so far (hoping to bump it up to 50 before the end of the month), but that is what the rest of the year is for, right?!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Weeks Nine and Ten Check In: Rollin' Rollin' Rollin'

So I have been slacking a little bit on writing my weekly check-ins; however, the good news is that I haven't been slacking on my workouts. (Maybe my training plan though...)

During Week Nine, I was able to get in 14 miles- 3.5 on Sunday, 4.25 on Tuesday, and 6.25 on Saturday. On my Saturday run, I ended up hurting my lower back. I was running on a treadmill and I'm pretty sure the belt was shot because shortly after I started I was feeling some pain in my back. Foolishly, I continued to run thinking it would get better, but instead I ended up barely able to walk without shooting pain. You think I'd learn my lesson one of these days?!

I missed my Thursday run due to there not being more than 24 hours in a day... At first I was frustrated that I had messed up my training plan, and I began to rethink my goals for running. Was running this much realistic? How am I going to be able to handle the miles if I can't consistently train? Running was not sounding like so much fun. It was beginning to feel more like a job or chore and that is the last thing I want it to become.

So I have decided to relieve some of the pressure by taking a more laissez faire approach; you know more of "if it happens, it happens" mindset. I am still going to run and train, but I am going to do it because I love to, not to check it off my list of things to do. I'm going to not let myself stress out if I miss a running day. Running is my hobby and an important one at that, but there are other things that I love and are important too- like being a mom, cooking dinner, enjoying some time with my husband after the baby is asleep. I think that it will get easier to get runs in as the weather warms up because I'll be able to take Phinn with me and run almost anytime during the day instead of having to wait for Hunter to get home or try to find someone to watch him. Or I can even do runs early in the morning or later evening since it won't be pitch black or negative one million degrees (That's what it feels like!!) outside. January/February is about the time of year that I always wish I lived some place with a more moderate climate! I really miss being able to spend time outside in the fresh air.

During Week Ten (this past week), I racked up a measly 6 mile week. I was mostly nursing my back to help prevent further injury. I did Tracy Anderson's DVD everyday with my little workout buddy (Did I mention he is not so little anymore? 15 pounds!!). On Friday, my college roommate came into town, and she is training for her first half-marathon (Go Kristina!!). She packed her running clothes which was great motivation for a Saturday run. We threw on our workout gear, laced up our running shoes, and got in six miles before noon. (Now that is something I'm sure that our freshmen selves would never believe we would be doing eight years later!!) It was wonderful to have a running buddy. Even though we had our ipods on and didn't talk a whole lot, it was nice to have another warm, friendly body - someone to keep you moving when you wanted to stop after the first five minutes.

I weighted in again this week at 119 pounds, so no change there. I feel like I'm gradually chipping away at my midsection. There are good days when I feel like I can see improvement and days when I feel more like jello (I'm sure the slice of amazing pumpkin cheesecake with a caramel bourbon sauce that I had at girls night did not help... but at least I shared it!), so I still feel like I have my work cut out for me.

Now I'm on to Week Eleven, and I'm hoping to get in more miles this week so I can get my training plan back on track and begin to feel more prepared for my upcoming races. (First half is less than two months away. Eek!) So I'm just going to keep on rollin'...

Thursday, January 20, 2011

TT's Risotto

It seems like every fall-winter I get a few good recipes in my pocket and rotate them over and over until grilling season returns. Two years ago it was Chicken Potpie, Ratatouille, and Eggplant Parmesan. Last year it was Pumpkin Turkey Chili, Turkey Meatloaf, and Soy Ricotta Ravioli with Apples and Walnuts. This year I'm still using some of those, but have at least one new recipe to add - my Mom's Risotto. (I want to say this recipe is loosely based on a recipe from our neighbor in St. Louis - Jean Dabrowski - so thanks to Jean too!!)

I love her recipe because it is very easy. The hardest thing about it is that it requires nearly constant stirring or else it sticks to your pan. Also with a small family, it makes enough for two nights with possibly even enough leftover for someone's lunch. It is filled with lots of good vegetables and is just something nice and warm and filling on a cold winter evening.

TT's Risotto


2 tablespoons olive oil
1 onion, chopped
1 bunch of asparagus (I cut the stalks in thirds)
8 oz sliced baby bella mushrooms
2 or 3 cups baby spinach
8 oz sun-dried tomatoes
1/2 cup milk
2 cups chicken or vegetable broth
2 cups arborio rice
Parmesan cheese


Add 2 tablespoons olive oil and chopped onion to a medium to large size saute pan on medium heat. Cook until onions are browned. Then add your 2 cups of arborio rice, 2 cups of chicken or vegetable broth, and 1/2 cup milk. Cook until mixture begins to thicken. Then stir in your asparagus and mushrooms and cook until tender. (Tip: As the mixture thickens you will need to stir continuously so that rice does not stick to the pan. If mixture becomes too dry, add more milk.) Next add your spinach and sun-dried tomatoes and stir until your vegetables are to your desired texture. Transfer to bowls and add fresh Parmesan cheese on top and enjoy!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Mama Needs A...

For the past two weeks, I have been trying to get Phinn on a schedule to make my transition back into the working world easy on the whole family. And let's just say it is not going according to plan.

He is a GREAT night sleeper - going to bed around 8PM, maybe waking up once between 2-4AM for a feeding, and sleeping until 6 or 7AM. He has been pretty consistent with this for a few weeks and his parents are very grateful! However, the poor little guy is terrible at napping. He will display all the signs that he is sleepy- disengages from playing, rubs his eyes, yawns, and eyelids are heavy- but as soon as I transition him to his pack n' play for a nap, he springs back to life. He usually does not have a renewed energy level; instead he is fussy because he wants to nap but I guess not in there.

I have tried to make the pack n' play (which he still sleeps PERFECTLY in at night) more appealing by using a heating pad to warm the bed up (Don't worry I take it out and test the sheet before I put him in there to make sure it isn't too warm.), put up the mobile that came with it, and play soft music or have the humidifier running (like we do at night).

Phinn loved when I added the mobile and is a great diversion when I need a bathroom break or to get dressed.

I have also tried making him more comfortable. I've tried putting him in his sleep sack (which he also sleeps in at night), washing his little cheeks and hands with a warm wash cloth, rubbing his belly after I lay him down, and reading a book quietly and rocking him at the first signs that he is sleepy.

And the best I have gotten is thirty minutes! Most of the time it is fifteen and sometimes even as little as five. However, if I let him fall asleep while I'm holding him and I continue to hold him (CANNOT put him down in his pack n' play), he will sleep sometimes for an hour or more. I would really like for him to be able to take a nap on his own, in his bed, but the poor guy needs some sleep so if I try the pack n' play a few times without success I'll hold him.

That gray thing is me...

Where am I going with all this? Well back to the routine I'm trying to implement...

I have been reading the book Secrets of the Baby Whisperer by Tracy Hogg. I did not select this book over any others. It was one we had and it had worked for someone else, so I figured why not start there. I never knew a book could make you feel so inadequate!

Tracy recommends her E.A.S.Y. method - Eat, Activity, Sleep, You Time - which in theory I like; however, most days Phinn will want to do an E.S.A.Y. followed by an E.A.E.S.Y., and other variations. I can rarely get him to do a plain old E.A.S.Y. She seems to think it is the simplest thing to establish this routine with your baby, but that's when you start this routine at the beginning. I'm starting three months in...

I have tried adhering to E.A.S.Y. for a little over a week now and there are still no naps (Unless I'm holding him which is a "No, No" in the book.). I got so worked up that I have not been able to get my three month old on this simple routine. Am I a bad parent? Am I doing it wrong? I felt incredibly guilty that I was reading this book when he was three months old instead of when he was a newborn or even before he arrived. (Besides doing a couple parenting classes, I did not read any parenting books before he was born. Was that abnormal?)

Needless to say, I got a good cry in yesterday because I had become so stressed about not being able to get Phinn to nap in his pack n' play. I worried that I was destroying his development and he wasn't going to be a smart or adept member of society because I am not able to get him to nap. Fellow mamas I'm sure you know how quickly something as small as napping and its effects gets blown out of proportion in our heads, and all the parenting books and studies do not help! How does anyone ever feel like they are doing a good job when they read all of this stuff?!

And that's when it struck me. Maybe I don't need the parenting books or statistics or studies to raise a healthy and happy child. Maybe I just need my intuition, my noodle, and good values AND at the end of the day an occasional "Mommy's Sippy Cup!"

Have to thank Lindsey Dudrow for this onesie. I saw her daughter wearing it and just knew I had to get one!

Phinn will eventually get on a napping routine. He will out grow needing me to hold him. He is sleeping, just not following a method. The important thing is that he is happy and healthy! But he needs his Mama to be happy and healthy too not fretting and frazzled by her inability to follow a book.

So my new plan is to just keep trying naps and one day it will click, just like everything else with him. And in the meantime I'm going to try to breathe and relax!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Morning Motivation

For many of us mornings are the only part of the day where there is time in our schedule to fit in a workout or we like to get it out of the way so we can check it off our "to do" list and shower only once a day. The nice thing about being on maternity leave has been my ability to squeeze in workouts here and there and not feel like I'm missing out on time with my family. But sadly all good things must come to an end and my leave ends in about three weeks so I'm going to need to start those early morning workouts at least a couple days a week.

I started trying to get into this routine last week by setting my alarm for 5AM and EVERY day I have hit snooze or just turned off the alarm entirely. I want to get up but my warm, cozy bed has been holding me hostage (not entirely against my will though!). I have had every intention to get up each morning and start my day with Tracy Anderson's Post Pregnancy Workout (Again, I cannot recommend this DVD enough. I have it to thank for feeling more toned and fit in my abs and thighs post baby.) or a quick kettlebell workout, but my intentions have not been enough to get me out of bed. I need to tap a deeper motivation to get me up and moving.

Before I got married, the last three months or so leading up to the wedding I was waking up at 5:30 AM to get in running and weights or a cycling class before work. It felt great to start my day with a good sweat and boy was looking stunning in my wedding dress a great source of motivation.

May 2008: I was feeling fit and toned! Not to mention happy too :)

Now, I have my desire to be fit and healthy and have my "me" time; however, I'm missing that extra oomph to get me going. I'm trying to stagger implementing all of my new routines, so I desperately want to get into this routine before I'm back at work because that will be a whole new routine itself.

What is the extra oomph that gets you motivated to workout? What can get you out of bed for an early morning sweat session?

When I figure out what works for me, I'll make sure to let you know...

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Sweating Along To...

Sometimes the thing that can motivate me the most when I'm running, especially when I'm on a long run, is the tunes that are blaring through my earbuds. I'm always looking for new songs to run to. They can be old or new, but they just have to have the right groove. I look for songs that will get me over the hump and keep me motivated, songs that will keep me moving along at my current pace, and songs that will push me to squeeze out every last drop of energy.

Here are some of my favorites that I'm currently breaking a sweat to:

"Fix You" by Coldplay
"I Run For Life" by Melissa Etheridge
"The Resolution" by Jack's Mannequin
"Till I Collapse" by Eminem
"Fighter" by Christina Aguilera

"Big Machine" by Goo Goo Dolls
"Empire State of Mind" by Jay-Z
"Futures" by Jimmy Eat World
"Teenage Dream" by Katy Perry
"Crawl" by Kings of Leon
"Paper Planes" by M.I.A.
"Simple Life" by No Doubt
"Power" by Kanye West
"Gives You Hell" by All American Rejects
"The Distance" by Cake
"You're So Vain" by Carly Simon

"Dog Days are Over" by Florence and the Machine
"Pardon Me" by Incubus"
"4 Minutes" by Madonna
"Sandman" by Metallica
"Uprising" by Muse
"Just a Girl" by No Doubt
"Misery Business" by Paramore
"Galvanize" by Chemical Brothers
"Rapid Hope Loss" by Dashboard Confessional

What are some songs that get you through your workouts?

Also while I was running yesterday, I invented a button for ipods that you could push and it would play that one song that will keep you going when all you want to do is give up. My husband said this was already invented (Why are my million dollar ideas always already taken?!) and its part of the Nike+. Anyone know anything about that? Anyone use Nike+? If so, do you like it?

Anyway, try out some of these songs because there is nothing more exciting than to head to the gym with an updated ipod filled with new songs that you are pumped up to sweat to!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Week Eight Check In: And So It Begins

Half-marathon training began this week! I'm running the Virginia Beach Shamrock Anthem Half Marathon on March 20th. I was hoping to begin training in December, but with my relaxin set back and to follow through with my promise to myself and my husband that I'm going to be safe, running just wasn't in the cards.

My strategy for my first half marathon (Richmond McDonald's Half Marathon - does that just seem like an oxymoron!) was to just tack on a little extra mileage each run and work my way up to 13.1 miles. I only seriously trained for about six weeks and was most likely pushing myself too far too fast. After the race, I ended up with some serious back pain that had me laid up on the couch taking muscle relaxers for about a week and I was out of commission as far as running goes for at least a month. All in all it was probably not the best planned or executed training regimen.

For this one, I pulled out my handy Competitive Runner's Handbook and am going to follow a modified version of their half-marathon training plan. Their plan is set up so that you run five days a week, with two days off, and I just don't think at this point I can get out three EARLY mornings or evenings during the week without my poor husband saying "UNCLE!" Plus my time with my husband and baby in the evenings is too precious, especially those evenings when Hunter and I might even get to relax, watch a movie, or possibly (on a rare night) have the energy for a grown-up conversation. So for the time being at least, I am modifying it to save my sanity and enjoy my family.

I was able to run THREE, yes count them- one, two, THREE- miles on Tuesday with zero knee pain. I was even able to run them at a 10:40/mile pace which made me one happy mama! Today I ran 3.5 miles at a 10:50/mile pace. It is an awesome feeling to be getting my strength back and start feeling more like my old self.

I weighted in this week at 119 pounds. While I only have four more pounds to go until I reach my pre-pregnancy weight, my body feels different and my clothes definitely do not fit the same. I'm not sure if your body ever completely goes back, but I guess I'll find out. Here are this week's pictures:

Still working on my stomach- Tracy Anderson's Post Pregnancy DVD has been AMAZING!!!

I have my first LONG run on Saturday. Here's to hoping that goes well!

Monday, January 3, 2011

New Year, New Marathoner

I used to think you had to be close to certifiably insane to run a marathon. 26.2 miles! That just seems like you are looking for pain. Who in their right mind would want to put their body through that? Well now the answer is I DO!

Ever since I successfully completed a half marathon, I had been rolling the idea of a full one around in my head. As I dreamed about running during my pregnancy, I thought what better way to get back in shape and prove to myself that my body was still indeed my body. So I picked up The Competitive Runner's Handbook (a gift from my cousin and fellow runner) and started leafing through the chapters. I stumbled upon one called "The First-Time Marathoner" and it clearly echoed my drive behind why I want to run a marathon.
"As the longest of mainstream running events, its the ultimate test of fitness and courage. The marathon is larger than life, having profound impact on all those who successfully meet its rigorous training and racing demands. Finishing a marathon proves you can set a lofty goal and achieve it. It gives you the confidence to take risks and make important changes in other aspects of your life."
I am so excited but at the same time completely terrified of failure. I'm three days in to the new year and I already feel the weight of my new resolution. I have been second guessing myself. Am I going to have the time to train to run a marathon? I can barely keep my house in one piece or make dinner while taking care of my son and this is when I'm not working (Please tell me this gets easier!!)... I will admit that I am having doubts, but I have already signed up so now I just need to do the best I can. I have to accept that there will be easy days and there will be hard ones, but I need to accept my challenge and move forward. Nothing great ever comes without hard work and sacrifice right?