During Week Nine, I was able to get in 14 miles- 3.5 on Sunday, 4.25 on Tuesday, and 6.25 on Saturday. On my Saturday run, I ended up hurting my lower back. I was running on a treadmill and I'm pretty sure the belt was shot because shortly after I started I was feeling some pain in my back. Foolishly, I continued to run thinking it would get better, but instead I ended up barely able to walk without shooting pain. You think I'd learn my lesson one of these days?!
I missed my Thursday run due to there not being more than 24 hours in a day... At first I was frustrated that I had messed up my training plan, and I began to rethink my goals for running. Was running this much realistic? How am I going to be able to handle the miles if I can't consistently train? Running was not sounding like so much fun. It was beginning to feel more like a job or chore and that is the last thing I want it to become.
So I have decided to relieve some of the pressure by taking a more laissez faire approach; you know more of "if it happens, it happens" mindset. I am still going to run and train, but I am going to do it because I love to, not to check it off my list of things to do. I'm going to not let myself stress out if I miss a running day. Running is my hobby and an important one at that, but there are other things that I love and are important too- like being a mom, cooking dinner, enjoying some time with my husband after the baby is asleep. I think that it will get easier to get runs in as the weather warms up because I'll be able to take Phinn with me and run almost anytime during the day instead of having to wait for Hunter to get home or try to find someone to watch him. Or I can even do runs early in the morning or later evening since it won't be pitch black or negative one million degrees (That's what it feels like!!) outside. January/February is about the time of year that I always wish I lived some place with a more moderate climate! I really miss being able to spend time outside in the fresh air.
During Week Ten (this past week), I racked up a measly 6 mile week. I was mostly nursing my back to help prevent further injury. I did Tracy Anderson's DVD everyday with my little workout buddy (Did I mention he is not so little anymore? 15 pounds!!). On Friday, my college roommate came into town, and she is training for her first half-marathon (Go Kristina!!). She packed her running clothes which was great motivation for a Saturday run. We threw on our workout gear, laced up our running shoes, and got in six miles before noon. (Now that is something I'm sure that our freshmen selves would never believe we would be doing eight years later!!) It was wonderful to have a running buddy. Even though we had our ipods on and didn't talk a whole lot, it was nice to have another warm, friendly body - someone to keep you moving when you wanted to stop after the first five minutes.

Now I'm on to Week Eleven, and I'm hoping to get in more miles this week so I can get my training plan back on track and begin to feel more prepared for my upcoming races. (First half is less than two months away. Eek!) So I'm just going to keep on rollin'...
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