Wednesday, January 8, 2014

New Year, New Approach

So I just finished catching you up on my old news, let's get on to NEW things. (Disclaimer: No big announcements or anything, in case you were about to eagerly scroll down the page hoping to find a big reveal.)

As you can see, my blogger template is quite outdated. That's exactly what happens when you take a blog snooze for two years. It's just not as pretty or exciting as all the other ones out there. I'm hoping to soon take vie balance through a makeover. I have been eyeing some custom designs for a while and hope to make a decision soon.

With the new year underway, and being the goal-orientated list maker that I am, I have a lot goals for 2014: Read more. Exercise. Eat Healthy. Spend more time in the moment. Blog. Stress less. Pay off some debt. Spend more time outdoors. Take more photos.

The list could go on. What can I say? I'm an idealist and I always set high expectations for what I want the future to hold.

After I had mentally made this list, I laughed and thought about all the extra hours I would need to add to each day to accomplish them. Then I realized that the best thing I can do for myself is to be a better steward of what I have - whether it's time, food, money, resources, or seconds to breathe before someone needs me.

So that's my primary goal for 2014 - to better use what I have, and make it really count. Maybe in the process, I'll accomplish some of these other goals - or maybe I'll end up some place else. Either way, I want to try to enjoy the journey more and stress less about crossing off items on my "to do" list.

Although here is a great picture of exercising, spending more time outdoors, and taking photos. You can't take the control freak out of me that easily ;)

Phinn enjoying our New Year's Day hike.

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