1. Phinn is rolling over like a pro from his back to his belly!
He was a little timid when he first started rolling over. He would get up on his side and just kind of hanging out there.

2. We got a visit from Aunt Lo!!
My best friend and the aunt that Phinn owes a lot of his fashionable wardrobe to came to visit from St. Louis. She even brought Phinn his very first pair of Sperry boat shoes!! He is going to be in high-style this summer. Aunt Lo even got to babysit Phinn because I had training course to attend for work. Between Hunter and I, I'm pretty sure we wrote a book of instructions (or as Hunter named them Phinnstructions!) since she was the first non-family member to babysit him. However, we did not have anything to worry about because Aunt Lo does this for a living! We were just two newbie parents - yes, probably the ones that drive sitters nuts!! We had a great visit though and we can't wait to go visit her in St. Louis.

3. Phinn and I met our new best friend - BOB
All I can say about this is, BOB where have you been?! We went for a test walk last weekend and have gone for a few runs this week. I have so much more to say on this - such as every new mom deserves to get a BOB as soon as she leaves the hospital - but I feel that it would only be fair to give BOB his own post.

4. Phinn turned 4 months old!
I can't believe how fast the time is flying and how quickly he is growing up. He used to be my baby and more and more he is becoming a little boy! At his four month check-up, he weight in at 17 pounds and measured 25 inches. That's a gain of almost 4 pounds and a growth of 2 inches since his 2 month check-up!! No wonder we were growing through clothes left and right!!
Rice Cereal has been added to our breakfast and dinner routines. He is still a little perplexed by it, but I'm sure he'll get it down in no time!

And finally our BIG Smith Family news.....
5. We are moving!!!
The Smith family is fortunate enough to be moving to Richmond at the end of March!!! Hunter and I are blessed to work for a company that is very flexible and understanding in regards to family life. At the beginning of February, Hunter approached his boss about relocating to the Charlottesville office and she was overwhelmingly supportive. He will still work with his team, just simply work from Charlottesville. As for my job, I am still waiting on the final sign off from my big boss to work remotely from Richmond/Charlottesville. It should not be an issue seeing how I work remotely everyday already.
We have not decided whether we want to put down roots in Richmond or Charlottesville. Richmond has the obvious benefits of being familiar and close to family, but Charlottesville will give Hunter a much kinder commute. So in the interim, the Smith family will be bunking with my parents for a bit (They graciously offered to let us stay there to give us some time to explore our options, plus I think they are thrilled to be getting some more time with Phinn!). No matter which city we end up in, it will bring us closer to our goal of being close to family and living some place where the cost of living does not inhibit our family goals.
With that, I think you are all caught up on the month of February!
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