When I got there I went to step on the treadmill and noticed I had left my ipod shuffle in my car. The car wasn't more than a few hundred feet away but I did not want to go back for it. I told myself I run all the time with Phinn and BOB without music and we seem to manage just fine. So I started my stretching and man was I sore! I have been doing Tracy Anderson's Post Pregnancy DVD again to prep for summer and swimsuits (LOVE the workout but it certainly kicks my butt!) and on top of that I have been doing 4-5 mile runs at my new PR pace (8:45/mile). Needless to say I think all the soreness and stiffness I felt was my muscles politely requesting an easy day.
So I decided we could have it! And what goes better with an easy day at the gym than a couple celebrity gossip magazines?! I will admit that they are a guilty pleasure. I never buy them but will pick them up when I am going to do the stairmaster or the elliptical or when I'm getting a pedicure. However, they are losing some of their appeal. I just can't seem to get into an article about why the Bachelor chose the wrong girl or how Kim Kardashian really is in love with this boyfriend. Mostly I just like to look at the pictures to see what's fashionable or use them as motivation to increase the level of resistance on the stairmaster one more notch.

I got in a good mix of exercise- 15 minutes on the stairmaster, 15 minutes on the elliptical, and 15 minutes of running - and a dose of celebrity gossip. As a new mom I have to stay on top of what is cool and hip (Is that word even used any more?!), otherwise I will find myself in cardigan sweater sets and high waist jeans before I'm 30!
Awesome mental image!