Monday, January 6, 2014

Has It Really Been Two Years???

I'm diving back in to blogging after an almost two year hiatus. I'm not sure what took me away from you - whether it was just life, or if I felt I was done sharing - but I'm back, and with lots to share.

Here are the major highlights from my time away:

In April 2012, we bought a house

Besides testing all the doors in the model house, putting this sticker
 on the map was the highlight of the house buying experience for Phinn. 

In July 2012, we moved in

Our house on its little hill.

In August 2012, we found out we were expecting baby #2, and in April 2013, Hudson Paul changed our family of three to a family of four

My family of four. Shortly after this Phinn tried to 
hijack his brother's photo shoot.

In September 2013, Phinn started preschool

First day of school. Every school day after that for the 
next month, Phinn expected a sign and a photo shoot
 before we would leave the house.

In October 2013, Phinn turned three years old

And he still asks, "Is today my birthday?"

There were lots of celebrations and vacations in between

Phinn leading the dance circle at a wedding. 
His dance card was full that night.

Family trip to Colorado to ski Breckenridge and to visit my brother.

Traditional Demmitt family Easter bunny cake. 
Hubby thinks its creepy. I think its cute.

Phinn and I rode an elephant together. 

My little monkey and the Man in the Yellow Hat. 
Curious George is a big deal around here.

I think our facial expressions pretty much sum it up.

Someone was filled with a little too much brotherly 
love at Hudson's baptism.

I had some difficulty deciding what to talk about on the blog. Should I focus on fitness? Cooking? Motherhood? My thoughts on the current state of the world? 

Then I realized - I don't need to limit myself. I think to best share, I need to share what is on my mind and my heart. So you're in for it now, just ask my hubs!

I've found myself in a similar yet very different situation to when I first began blogging. I'm trying to balance so many things, and in the process, I'm learning more about parenting (especially parenting two children and being the parent of a three year old) and myself. Life is keeping me busy.

I'm working to get back in shape. It seems to be more of struggle after baby #2, which probably has something to do with my time being stretched further - also maybe the amount of sugar and carb quick hits I've been taking to feed myself while fighting sleep deprivation and living on the go.

I'm cooking for Hubs and I, and Phinn who has become picky in his old age. I am coming to believe his refusal to different foods is based not on taste, but simply on exercising his three year old sense of independence. Hudson has pulled his high chair up to the table and loves finger foods. It was a constant battle to feed him with a spoon, so we have been taking a more "baby-led weaning" approach with him.

I'm working part-time from home with no sitter. Yes, you read that correctly - I have a baby and a toddler and I'm working from home with no sitter. I must be crazy! Luckily, my work is fairly flexible, and I can do a lot of it when the boys are napping or in the evening. To be honest, most of it is happening in the evening, because days when both boys nap not only at the same time, but also long enough for me to get much accomplished is...rare. When it does happen, though, it's known around our house as a double rainbow.

On top of all this, I am also trying to identify a new career field for myself. I have lots of interests (fitness, writing, cooking, photography) that I want to focus on and see what comes. I feel like blogging is a great way for me to explore all of these things.

Right now my world is chaotic (and my house even more so, but they say that's a sign of a good mom, right?!) and some days I struggle to find balance, but on days when I do, I feel like I have reached the sweet spot. And we all do a happy dance to celebrate.

So I'm back, and hope to see you around! ;)

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