Thursday, August 26, 2010

Pregnancy Etiquette- For Others Not Pregnant Women

Please excuse my rant that follows but I feel like if I don't get it out, I am going to EXPLODE! I feel like this is something that needs to be said because everyone needs to understand that just because a woman is pregnant, you do not have free reign to comment about her weight, appearance, eating habits, or any other topic that you would not broach with someone who is not pregnant. We do not stop being human or become immune to negativity- your comments do hurt.

I never realized that being pregnant opens you up to lots of comments and judgments, most of which are unwanted. I haven't quite figured out during which part of my pregnancy the age old adage "If you don't have something nice to say, don't say anything at all" stopped applying to me.

But just to throw this out there - in case you didn't know (which apparently A LOT of people do not!)- here are some things that you should not say to a pregnant woman:

  • Wow! By the time you have that baby it will weight 40 pounds!
  • Are you eating again? (This one really chapped my behind because I eat healthy small snacks through out the day such as fresh fruit, yogurt, pretzels etc. and this came from a woman who is constantly eating junk food at her desk. I felt like Seth and Amy on SNL- "Really!?")
  • Are you gaining like a pound a day now?
  • You are due when? You'll be as big as a house by then!
  • Are you sure there are not two in there? (This one gets old really fast and I kid you not, as I was typing this a woman just walked into my cube and asked me this very question.)
  • Are you practicing your exercises- I mean your kegels? (Completely inappropriate coming from a male co-worker!)
My list could go on forever but I think I have hit the highlights at least. The sad thing is that I hear most of the comments at work from co-workers that I don't discuss my personal life with but I guess they feel like they know me well enough to comment on it!

A little over 31 weeks

Most of the time I feel pretty secure and at times confident about how I look pregnant. I'm enjoying how I look so much that I am getting maternity photos done! I feel like I have treated my body well by eating healthy and exercising. I am a petite, narrow framed woman who has 20+ pounds on me that didn't used to be there, of course I am going to look different or bigger than a woman who is taller or has a larger frame to distribute the weight. But when I hear these negative remarks multiple times a day (No, unfortunately I am not exaggerating.), it can really bring me down. If you feel so compelled to comment on a pregnant woman's appearance, just say "You look great!" and leave it at that.

So please, for me and all other pregnant women who are still aware of our self-image and still have the same feelings that every other woman has, remember that our bodies are still that- our bodies and are not there for you to comment on. If you are unsure as to whether or not your comment will be well received, maybe take a second and think about it and then ask yourself, "Should I say this to someone who has so many excess hormones running through her body that even if I don't mean anything by it she is liable to break down and cry or rip my head off?" If your answer is no, then keep your comment to yourself. Pregnancy is a time when women battle with their body image. Our bodies are constantly changing and things that once looked familiar no longer do. We do not need other people highlighting the things that we are already sensitive about.

And now that I have gotten that off my chest, I feel much better!

Saturday, August 21, 2010

An Ode to Running

Everyone has a hobby that they enjoy because it transports them to a magical world- one where you don't think about the dishes in the sink, the work that is waiting for you, or how angry or frustrated you are with so and so. As long as I can remember, for me this came from physical activity. My family has always placed a high value on physical activity and eating healthy. My siblings and I were always involved in some sort of sport and most of the time it was more than one. As a kid (Sounds so weird saying that because it feels like it was yesterday!), I used to love dance and soccer practices because when I was there I focused on the task at hand and for those few hours nothing else in the world made any difference. Nowadays, running gives me that same sort of time warp.

I accidentally fell in love with running. It began as a way to get in shape before my wedding and little did I know that it would help me gain so much more than a fit figure. When I talk about how much I love running with most people, they look at me like I have ten heads. How can you love running? Isn't it boring? Its such a repetitive activity. For me running filled a void in my life, something I had not experienced in awhile- true drive and competition. It constantly challenged me to go just a little bit further and a little bit faster. And I could and I did! One of the amazing things I have noticed about running and our bodies is that you can always run at least a little further than you think you can. I signed up for races left and right to challenge myself to go beyond what I once thought my physical limitations were. Never had I ever pictured myself running a 10-Miler in 90 degree heat or completing a half-marathon or even tossing around the idea of a full marathon!

I ran up until March 27th of this year (Monument Avenue 10K was my last run) and then my hobby fell to the wayside. I lost some of my steam which I will mostly contribute to the pregnancy hormones but will admit they weren't all to blame- I had lost some of my drive. Running wasn't as easy as it had been and I too quickly threw in the towel and used the infamous "I can't I have a baby" line. Looking back, I wish I would have toughed it out a little more. I have read some great articles and inspiring blogs about women who run throughout pregnancy and it makes me slightly jealous and slightly regretful that I didn't try a little harder.

On the bright side though, I can't wait for the day when I can throw my running shoes on and just run until I can't go any further. A friend of mine jokes that as soon as Baby Smith is delivered, I am going to hand him over to Hunter, grab my running shoes, and hit the road! (This always makes me sigh and think if only...) I am realizing that running like most things in my life aren't going to be quite the same. Running will be more of a challenge at least physically for awhile but the even bigger challenge will probably be having the time. (I have warned Hunter though that being able to get back into running and into shape is going to be key to my sanity!) I know that there is a rough road ahead of me and that diving back into running may mean sacrificing a little sleep, some time with my baby (at least until he's old enough to join me in the jogging stroller), and some time with my husband (that is unless I can convince him to join me- I will say my odds on that one aren't very good!). But I also have to remember what I will be gaining (sanity, drive and self-confidence) and losing (baby weight!)

Well this has been my ode to my dear friend running- I am eagerly awaiting our reunion!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

August Check-In

Here is a quick update for August:

1- Most important announcement- I passed my GTT which means I do not have gestational diabetes! Next go around, I better pass the first one because the three hour test was miserable!

2- Update on GOAL 1- my food journal- while it worked wonderfully for a few days, I now find myself falling asleep at night and thinking "Ugh! I completely forgot to write down what I ate today!" I am trying to find a work around for this. I'm thinking that I just need a little pocket size notebook to take everywhere with me so I can remember to write down what I am eating throughout the day. The concept does work well because I often find myself choosing fruit vs. chocolate swirl pudding (one of my latest cravings) because I'd rather admit to eating fruit in my journal than junk food.

3- Update on GOAL 2- exercising four days a week- I have been fully committed to seeing this one through. I have not made it to the gym all four days and instead opted for some outdoor workouts but either way as long as I am getting at least 30 minutes of cardio, it counts in my book!

So that's my quick August update. Hope you all are having a healthy, balanced, and productive August too!!

Monday, August 2, 2010

Maura's Chicken Burritos

My sister has recently gotten into cooking and I have heard my parents on numerous occasions say how good she is which is really the shocker considering the concoctions she used to throw together when we were children. Let's just say her cooking has come along way from the jello pasta molds she once made! Anyway she was visiting Hunter and I last week and made these FABULOUS chicken burritos for dinner one night.

Here's the recipe:

1/2 cup brown rice (optional)
2 cloves garlic; 1 smashed, 1 minced
Kosher salt and freshly ground pepper (to taste)
1 mango, sliced
1 cup shredded rotisserie chicken, skin removed
1 15-ounce can black beans
1 cup grape tomatoes
1/2 cup fresh cilantro
1/4 cup pickled jalapeno peppers, plus 2 tablespoons pickling liquid
4 8-inch whole-wheat tortillas
1/2 cup shredded reduced-fat cheddar cheese
1 avocado, sliced


Cook rice according to package.

Shred chicken in large bowl and put aside.

Chop grape tomatoes, cilantro, and jalapeno peppers and combine in small bowl. Add garlic, salt & pepper, and black beans to the bowl and mix. Then add shredded chicken and mix again.

Slice mango and avocado into large pieces and place in another small bowl.

Serve chicken mixture and mango-avocado mixture with whole wheat-tortillas and shredded reduced-fat cheddar cheese.

This meal taste very fresh and fulfills numerous daily nutrients- what could be better?! This is an easy recipe, requires little cooking (which is a big PLUS in my book in the summer) and makes great leftovers for lunch the next day or another dinner.


August: Kicking It Up a Notch

Well I survived my GTT- barely though. It took 12 sticks to get four blood draws! I had to get my blood drawn once before I drank the super delicious sugar-loaded "cola" (Have no idea why the call it a cola- doesn't taste like one!) and then once an hour for the next three hours. My arms look like those of a drug addict and by the fourth draw, my poor veins didn't want to give up any more blood. I should have my test results in the next couple days.

During my first blood draw and the only one that took one stick, I started chatting with the nurse about gestational diabetes. She has three children and said that she had to do the GTT with one of hers, but it came back negative. If I do have gestational diabetes, she said that I would be given a "diet" and have to keep a food journal to bring in to my appointments. She said that the food journal really helps out those who have gestational diabetes, especially those who are overweight- a lot of them end up losing weight.

The idea of a food journal got me thinking about my nutrition goals for August. I mentioned in my last post that I feel the need (and some guilt) to eat healthier. What better way to keep what I eat in perspective than to write it down and at the end of the day have to look at it! Now I don't want to suck all the fun out of eating but maybe this will push me to be more creative in how I prepare my meals and learn how to truly savor dessert. Side Note: I was reading a celebrity interview in a magazine when I was at the gym and she was talking about how she rarely eats dessert and when she does she makes sure it is something REALLY delectable, so that the indulgence is worth it. I kind of like that idea- how much better would a sweet treat taste if you had them on a less regular basis! GOAL: So for August I am going to keep a food journal and hopefully if this goes well, it may become a tool I can use for awhile at least until the nutrition standards I have set for myself and my family (sorry Hunter!) become habit.

I also mentioned creating an exercise goal for August. I did meet my July goal of working out for 45 minutes (actually made it to 47!) and promptly celebrated with a much needed mani-pedi. As I was evaluating my July goal, I realized that I was focusing on the wrong part. Instead of time, I need to focus on frequency, so I revised my goal for August accordingly. GOAL: I will make it to the gym four days a week and exercise for a minimum of 35 minutes each time. Four days will be especially important as my pilates class is ending in two weeks and won't start up again until the middle of September. This will definitely help me stay active and hopefully limber as I am now in the third trimester.

Also just wanted to say thanks to my family and friends for being so supportive and positive! It definitely makes you feel less like you are the only person that this happens to and that is priceless. And this doesn't just apply to me, it applies to all of us. Know that whatever your challenge may be that you aren't alone. Don't be afraid to open up, make yourself a little vulnerable, and ask for advice. You will be amazed at who has walked in your shoes.