Friday, March 25, 2011

A Love Affair

I have a confession to make - someone new has entered my life recently. I have seen him every day for over the past two weeks, and he has brought a whole new level of happiness to my life. His name is Bob and I am in LOVE!

Meet BOB! He is awesome!! I got the Sport Utility edition so it works for both sidewalks and "off roading."

So what makes this BOB such a great catch?

First and most importantly, my son LOVES him. When I strap him in his eyes open wide and he has this expression that says the world is his to explore and he doesn't want to miss any of it! He likes being able to sit up and see everything. BOB has also served double duty by helping Phinn to get a nap and me to get my workout which means happy baby, happy momma! I am thrilled that Phinn enjoys BOB's company as much as I do because if he didn't, BOB wouldn't be nearly as useful as he is.

The next great feature of BOB is he is well-built and study which makes him incredibly dependable. He has handled well at both walking and jogging paces. My BOB has a fixed front wheel so it can be a little difficult to turn when walking but handles like a dream when I'm out running. I also can't believe how smoothly it travels over bumps. I believe it is a safe product and will keep my son safe as we traverse the treacherous suburban streets.

Next he is light weight and travels well. I have taken him on a couple trips and he easily fits into the trunk of my civic along with luggage and other baby necessities. If I am tight on space, I can remove the front wheel easily (This is one of those things that I would typically ask Hunter to futz with but its so easy I can do it!) and VOILA! it all fits.

Finally, BOB along with the arrival of some warmer temperatures has made it so much easier to get in some cardio. Phinn and I can go for a quick walk or run whenever I can squeeze it into our schedule. While I still very much enjoy my gym time and solo runs, it has also been a HUGE benefit to be able to get in a workout on days where it didn't look like I'd be getting that time. It also includes Phinn in my exercising which I think is important. I want him to grow up knowing how much health and fitness is valued in our family and in order to do that I need to be a healthy, fit role model for him.

I am not the only one head over heels for BOB. Check out this mom who really puts BOB to the test.

BOB has been a fantastic addition to Phinn's and my daily routine. He is a little pricey (at the $300-400 range) but worth every penny in my opinion. Seriously check them out!!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Yesterday Was About the Gossip

Yesterday was one of those days where I was fortunate enough to have Hunter home before 5PM (GASP! That is almost unheard of in this house!) and enough energy (more like will power) to put my gym clothes on and head out the door.

When I got there I went to step on the treadmill and noticed I had left my ipod shuffle in my car. The car wasn't more than a few hundred feet away but I did not want to go back for it. I told myself I run all the time with Phinn and BOB without music and we seem to manage just fine. So I started my stretching and man was I sore! I have been doing Tracy Anderson's Post Pregnancy DVD again to prep for summer and swimsuits (LOVE the workout but it certainly kicks my butt!) and on top of that I have been doing 4-5 mile runs at my new PR pace (8:45/mile). Needless to say I think all the soreness and stiffness I felt was my muscles politely requesting an easy day.

So I decided we could have it! And what goes better with an easy day at the gym than a couple celebrity gossip magazines?! I will admit that they are a guilty pleasure. I never buy them but will pick them up when I am going to do the stairmaster or the elliptical or when I'm getting a pedicure. However, they are losing some of their appeal. I just can't seem to get into an article about why the Bachelor chose the wrong girl or how Kim Kardashian really is in love with this boyfriend. Mostly I just like to look at the pictures to see what's fashionable or use them as motivation to increase the level of resistance on the stairmaster one more notch.

I got in a good mix of exercise- 15 minutes on the stairmaster, 15 minutes on the elliptical, and 15 minutes of running - and a dose of celebrity gossip. As a new mom I have to stay on top of what is cool and hip (Is that word even used any more?!), otherwise I will find myself in cardigan sweater sets and high waist jeans before I'm 30!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Top of the Morning to You!

Good morning and HAPPY ST. PATRICK'S DAY!!

I'm a McCutie!! Isn't that the truth!?!

Last Saturday, I ran the Four Courts Four Miler with my mom, sister, and brother in Arlington, VA. This was my first race since Phinn was born and my goal was to simply have FUN which isn't hard to do when you wrangle my family together for a run with green wigs and boas and free beer at the end!

The race is part of the Pacers Race Series - Pacers is a running store in the DC area. The course for Four Courts is fairly challenging with the last mile being made up by a fairly big hill. I did not wear my watch or heart monitor for this one because I just wanted to enjoy it (OK- maybe I forgot to pack them too!). And that's just what I was doing until I started uphill at the end. Even though I had been practicing hills by running some with Phinn in the BOB and running on the treadmill with varying inclines, it did not seem to adequately prepare me for this one. I wanted to walk and so I did. I reached the one and only water stop and then walked for a block or two. My muscles were saying, "I think we've had enough!" but my brain and mostly my competitive nature got the better of me and I started running again.

Every leg muscle was begging me to take it easy and walk, but I wouldn't give in. I did decrease my speed a bit and put on some good tempo songs to keep me moving and to stop me from potentially using my last bit of energy before I crossed the finish line. But I mentally need more motivation to keep going, and that is when I thought about my son. When my runs or workouts get tough, I find a lot of my inspiration in thinking of Phinn and my future children. I want to be healthy and strong for them. I want to live a long life and see them grow up and have children of their own. I want to set an example for them. I want them to know that eating healthy and exercising are a big part of our family. And last Saturday, that is what propelled me across the finish line to set a PR of 34:58 which is around 8:45/mile pace!!

"Run faster Mom!! Don't give up!!" said my running coach

All of the family runners did amazingly well especially considering the last mile is uphill. My brother finished first at 32:47 , followed by me at 34:58, then my mom at 37:04, and my sister at 38:43. All of us well below a 10:00/mile pace! We certainly owe some of our success to our cheering squad - my dad, Hunter, and Phinn. Thanks for standing out in the cold and cheering us on!!

Family runners (and future runner) at the 2nd Annual Four Courts Four Miler

Runners and our cheering squad. Would have been an even better picture if our photo guy had gotten Phinn in it!

We all promptly celebrated with free beer!!!

With my first race under my belt and a new PR, I am feeling more confident in my running (Working hard and not giving up pays off!!!) and am eagerly looking forward to my next race on April 2nd.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Self Soothing: Not Just For Babies

As a parent you read about the importance of your baby learning to self soothe. This is something that they (books, pediatricians, etc.) recommend that you wait until the baby is older (our pediatrician said 4 months at the youngest) because first you have to teach a baby to trust you and recognize that you are going to take care of him by responding to all of his cries (hungry, tired, sleepy, and so on...) But once this trust has been established, it is important for the baby to learn to put himself to sleep in his crib by self soothing. Basically self-soothing is the process of unwinding and relaxing so that you can fall asleep.

We have just started this with Phinn in the last few weeks and so far so good. I hesitate to compliment or boast too much because there is the law of parenthood that states as soon as you say your baby is great at __________ or loves _____________, he inevitably stops doing it or dislikes it. But as I said so far so good. We've been able to put him down for naps and bedtime and after five or ten minutes of fussing, fidgeting in his crib, or talking, he will be down for the count. On occasion though, he does need some assistance winding down which comes in the form of holding his hand(s), stroking his cheek, or rubbing his tummy. Usually after a few minutes of soothing help, he is fast asleep.

While you read about the importance of self-soothing for babies, we don't think about the importance of self-soothing for ourselves. Its so easy, especially as a mom, to get wrapped up in everything you need to accomplish - laundry, make dinner, feed the baby, empty the dishwasher, grocery shopping, bathe the baby, and the list can go on indefinitely as it always seems to! I am learning that in order to be my best as a mother and wife, I need to find ways to self soothe. For me this usually comes in the form of exercise. To me there is nothing a good, long run can't fix! I also feel that way about bubble baths and good books that come with a big cozy chair and cup of coffee, but those two seem a little harder to come by these days. However, this weekend I got to try something new...

My incredibly thoughtful husband who saw how tightly wound I was in February got my a gift certificate to Spa Minerale for Valentine's Day. It came with strict instructions that I need to use it within the next few weeks and while I was there I would have to relax, put my feet up, and drink champagne and eat bonbons. Tough stuff, right?! At first I was a little bummed, a spa trip by myself... that is something you are supposed to do with your girlfriends. I was going to be all alone. And then I thought about it again, I was going to be by myself and I was kind of excited. I could read a book. I could zone out. I could totally let my mind run free.

How awesome and relaxing does this room look?!
Spa Minerale is part of the Landsdowne Resort in Leesburg, VA

So I booked a massage for this past Saturday. As I laid on a soft chase lounge, sipping my yummy cucumber water and nibbling on some dried fruit and nuts (Unfortunately, there was not champagne and bonbons!), I took in each second, fighting my urge to think about things that need to be done, and instead tried to relax and just be in the moment. And then it was time for my massage, and I had a wonderful masseuse who had me forgetting about my tasks and lists and completely relaxed within minutes. It was just what the doctor ordered! I left the spa feeling refreshed and not to overlook a back with muscles relieved of the month of tension I had built up from stress, exercising, and carrying around my little guy.

While I know I can't indulge in a trip to the spa every time I feel the need to self soothe, it was much appreciated! I came home feeling relaxed both physically and mentally. I got the closest thing to a full night's sleep that I've had since Phinn arrived. It was glorious!!

Lesson learned: Its important to make YOU time whether it is as extravagant as going to the spa or as simple as taking the time to do something you love like running, reading, cooking. While I am a wife and mother and am absolutely in love with being both of those things, I am still ERIN and I need to take time to be her too :)

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

What's New With the Smiths?

Since I did not get around to blogging in February I feel like there is so much to catch you up on. Even though February is the shortest month, we managed to pack in some major milestones.

1. Phinn is rolling over like a pro from his back to his belly!

He was a little timid when he first started rolling over. He would get up on his side and just kind of hanging out there.

But within a day or so, he had the whole thing figured out. Now he flips himself over and swims in place. It won't be long until the rubber meets the road and he is off crawling everywhere. I have my running shoes ready!

2. We got a visit from Aunt Lo!!

My best friend and the aunt that Phinn owes a lot of his fashionable wardrobe to came to visit from St. Louis. She even brought Phinn his very first pair of Sperry boat shoes!! He is going to be in high-style this summer. Aunt Lo even got to babysit Phinn because I had training course to attend for work. Between Hunter and I, I'm pretty sure we wrote a book of instructions (or as Hunter named them Phinnstructions!) since she was the first non-family member to babysit him. However, we did not have anything to worry about because Aunt Lo does this for a living! We were just two newbie parents - yes, probably the ones that drive sitters nuts!! We had a great visit though and we can't wait to go visit her in St. Louis.

3. Phinn and I met our new best friend - BOB

All I can say about this is, BOB where have you been?! We went for a test walk last weekend and have gone for a few runs this week. I have so much more to say on this - such as every new mom deserves to get a BOB as soon as she leaves the hospital - but I feel that it would only be fair to give BOB his own post.

4. Phinn turned 4 months old!

I can't believe how fast the time is flying and how quickly he is growing up. He used to be my baby and more and more he is becoming a little boy! At his four month check-up, he weight in at 17 pounds and measured 25 inches. That's a gain of almost 4 pounds and a growth of 2 inches since his 2 month check-up!! No wonder we were growing through clothes left and right!!

Rice Cereal has been added to our breakfast and dinner routines. He is still a little perplexed by it, but I'm sure he'll get it down in no time!

And finally our BIG Smith Family news.....

5. We are moving!!!

The Smith family is fortunate enough to be moving to Richmond at the end of March!!! Hunter and I are blessed to work for a company that is very flexible and understanding in regards to family life. At the beginning of February, Hunter approached his boss about relocating to the Charlottesville office and she was overwhelmingly supportive. He will still work with his team, just simply work from Charlottesville. As for my job, I am still waiting on the final sign off from my big boss to work remotely from Richmond/Charlottesville. It should not be an issue seeing how I work remotely everyday already.

We have not decided whether we want to put down roots in Richmond or Charlottesville. Richmond has the obvious benefits of being familiar and close to family, but Charlottesville will give Hunter a much kinder commute. So in the interim, the Smith family will be bunking with my parents for a bit (They graciously offered to let us stay there to give us some time to explore our options, plus I think they are thrilled to be getting some more time with Phinn!). No matter which city we end up in, it will bring us closer to our goal of being close to family and living some place where the cost of living does not inhibit our family goals.

With that, I think you are all caught up on the month of February!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011


In case you were worried that I fell off the blog world, I did not. The month of February just completely overwhelmed me. From my return to the working world, taking care of Phinn, trying to keep up with running a household, exercising, and making some attempt to be a wife and friend, I simply felt like I could not fit another thing on my plate.

Last month was an exercise in my sanity. So many days I felt pushed WAY beyond my limits. I could not count the number of times I broke down whether it was quietly by myself or on the phone to my husband. I just did not see how I was going to be able to handle it all. How could I possibly work, care for Phinn, and keep my household at the "mildly embarrassing if someone else has to see it" level? And then, how could I even fathom having time on top of that to do the things I enjoy - spending time with family, running, cooking, reading? I felt like a ticking time bomb. My stress level was soaring and I did not have time to remedy it. It got to the point where it was affecting my relationship with Phinn. I was too preoccupied with all the things I felt were stress-worthy to enjoy the time I was spending with my son.

So last Monday, when I needed some time for mental clarity I threw on my running shoes as soon as Hunter got home, handed him the baby, and I was out the door. A beautiful (and may I add fast!) five miles later, I had pinpointed all of my sources of stress and why I felt they were deserving of my time and energy. The next step in my plan was to talk them through with Hunter. I know that there were some things - such as my stress over breastfeeding - that he would not be able to fully understand, but overall he would help me identify ways to defuse this bomb.

Here are the important things I identified:
  • Exercising is paramount to my mental clarity. I must incorporate it on a daily basis to release any frustrations or just to boost my mood.
  • I need to remember the BIG picture. (Thanks Hunt!) Whenever I catch myself getting bogged down in the little things, I am trying to take a step back and realize how it fits into my big picture and then determine how much of my time and energy it deserves.
  • I need to accept that things don't always follow a nice neat plan or "to do" list. (This is HUGE for the compulsive plan-a-head, list maker that I am!) I need to stop shoehorning everything into my plans whether it be my plans for the weekend or my ten year plan. And I'll accept that some things are not meant to go according to plans and that is okay too. (The Serenity Prayer from my Catholic school days pops into my head.)
  • I need to draw boundaries with work and accept the consequences. I actually learned this at a work meeting where some of my management was discussing work-life balance.
But I've realized, I can't just identify things, so the next step was to find ways to incorporate my findings into my daily life. So here is my plan:
  • I will start waking up early and beginning as many days as I can with a workout. This will help me set a positive tone for the day. If you want to get into the science of it, exercising releases endorphins and endorphins make you happy :)
  • I will not let work related things, including email bother me during non-working hours. I will learn to let go of the need to continually over deliver. There are other things in life that are in need of my time and energy.
  • I will keep my stress in perspective. When I find myself frustrated, I'll take a step back and ask "Is this important in the big picture or am I sweating the small stuff?" (I am known to do the later. I worry before there is even cause for worry sometimes!)
With this refreshed attitude, I should be able to move some things around on my plate in order to make room for the new stuff. It is like going from normal dinner to Thanksgiving. There is so much more that you want to try to squeeze on your plate, you just have to accept smaller portions. So I've learned that I just have some adjusting to do. Who knew that being a mom would change and challenge me in some many ways?!

So with these thoughts in mind, I'm going to take my last step and finally EXHALE and enjoy March.