Monday, December 6, 2010

I've Got a Fever and the Only Cure Is...


I just could not take it any more! I could no longer sit on the sideline and hear people talk about running, read about running, or see other people running. And it certainly did not help that the emails were flooding in about registering for different 2011 races. (Side note: If you are in the Northern VA area and run or want to start running, check out Pacers yearly race series. I have done most of them and have always been impressed with their organization as well as schwag.)

So I went for my first run (or perhaps a better word is jog) on Sunday and the whole time I was looking around in disbelief. Am I really running?! I kept my pace nice and easy ranging between 11-12 minute miles. My goal was to complete two miles, but I also promised myself that if anything felt off, I would scale back. I certainly did not want to screw anything up this close to the finish line.

I was able to meet my goal of running two miles and finished in just over 23 minutes. The only thing that bothered me slightly were my knees. I think they enjoyed the break from the shock and pounding that comes with running. I made sure to warm up properly and stretch well during my cool down. (Two things that I have never been very good at making proper time for.) It was very encouraging to see that my body not only remembered how to run but could do it without complaining too much after eight months off.

I did learn that my sports bras aren't going to cut it!! I have some great recommendations on sports bras from Title Nine (7 Wonders and Three Blessings) and was hoping a couple of them may appear under the Christmas tree. However, after yesterday's run I'm thinking Santa might need to come a little early...

The best thing that came out of my run was a renewed spirit. It was so uplifting! You know the feeling you get when you are having an "on" day- hair, make-up, outfit are in the zone- it was like that. I think I even practically heard a Hallelujah chorus!!

Last week I signed up for the Virginia Beach Anthem Half Marathon (part of the Yuengling Shamrock Marathon) on March 20th. So with this first successful run my training has commenced for my first post-baby half marathon!!!


  1. Hey Erin...I really love the victoria's secret high intensity sports bras- I don't know how they are for new mom's but they are amazing for running!

  2. I'll have to check the sports bras at VS out. Thanks Liz!!

    Thanks for the encouragement Grace! We going to have to get all the Demmitt runner cousins together for a race :)
