On Wednesday I ran again and while it felt wonderful to run, my legs were a little (ok- more like a lot!) sore. All of my muscles that had months of rest from the stress of running were protesting as I ended my warm-up and increased my speed to that of a jog. I eventually got them on board and was able to push them a little further than Sunday by running 2.75 miles with an incline and a 11-12 minute/mile pace. I finished up with some good stretching, and as I stretched I thought about what I want for Christmas. I decided that I would not be able to enter the new year without some SERIOUS sports bras (If it seems like I'm making a big deal out of needing a bulletproof sports bra, I apologize, but I've never had a chest that impacted my running so much! I think it could honestly affect my speed!!), and I could also go for a good massage (Think from someone named Helga!). I felt stiffer after running these past couple times than I did after giving birth! I think I forgot how painful it can be to rebuild muscles. Not to mention my muscles- especially my back and shoulders- are getting a work out picking-up, carrying, and Bjorning (Yes, that is a new word in the Smith household!) Phinn.
I also stepped on the scale again and came in at 123 pounds. I'll update my pictures on Saturday when I go for my next run. (I need to work on remembering to have Hunter snap some before I head to the gym.) These last remaining pounds sure are taking their time to work off! It is a little frustrating having this extra weight around during the holiday season because I feel like I have nothing to wear to holiday parties and for Christmas (Can I wear jeans to the midnight service?!). And of course this is also the time of year that you see people that you only see a couple times a year or maybe even every few years, so you want to look good for that too. I know I just had a baby six weeks ago, but you can't fight me on this one- you would want to look and feel your best too! I am trying to hold out on buying anything because I don't want to buy clothes that are going to fit me now but then look frumpy after I lose the last of the baby weight. I'm hoping that maybe since I have introduced some more demanding exercise into my routine that some of my old clothes will be able to fit over my hips and actually looking flattering, not like if I exhale I'll split apart at the seams! A Christmas miracle...
Speaking of Christmas miracles, here is a picture of me and my little miracle.

I can't believe how fast he is growing and how much he learns every day! I'm truly blessed to have such a happy and healthy son. So even if I don't fit into those clothes or look like a million bucks, I have something that lasts longer than any article of clothing or an unflattering picture on facebook :)
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