I vaguely remembered reading about some sort of hormone or chemical that your body releases that loosens your joints and ligaments during pregnancy to enable you to physically give birth. Well according to my midwife this hormone is called RELAXIN and it does exactly what you think- causes the softening of ligaments which means you need to be extra careful of your joints and muscles. But I had a baby almost seven weeks ago, why is this still affecting me?! Again, according to my midwife as well as some online research, if you are a breastfeeding mama this hormone (along with a bunch of other ones) are still present. Your hormones won't go back to normal until you are not breastfeeding. Also research is inconclusive about how long relaxin affects your body, some believe it can be up to 12 months after you wean! It is suggested that you take it easy on your joints as you rebuild your strength.
Well this pesky little hormone is raining on my postpartum fitness plan! I was planning and still hoping on running my first marathon in the fall of 2011. However, my knees are too precious to sacrifice for my personal goal because obviously I would like to continue to run after 2011 and not be getting knee replacements at the age of 26! So this knee pain is causing me to revise my fitness plan. I know I won't be able to give up running now that I have had a taste of it again, but I think I will cut back to one day a week and not three. I will focus the rest of my workout time on getting my core back into shape and strengthening my legs to better support my knees. Maybe by the time the new year rolls around, my knees will be done RELAXIN and up for the challenge of taking on a little more...
Erin, as someone who has had knee surgery on both of my knees, I can empathize with you! If you are looking to make running easier, and if the hormone affects your cartilage, you could take a glucosamine/chondroitin/MSM supplement. That helps repair the tissues. You also can work on stability exercises - like single leg squats, walking and static lunges, bosu ball work, etc. Good luck!
* oh wait, i have no idea if glocosamine is transmitted to breastmilk and is baby safe.