Thursday, December 30, 2010

Week Seven Check In: Bells Will Be Ringing

Well I must have a direct line to Santa because he certainly heard my plea for running gear! (Where was this direct line when I was 14 and wanted a phone in my room?!) Anyway...

I got the most amazing sports bra, the Three Blessings from Title Nine. Sure it might take another set of hands to fasten but once I'm in there, those boobs aren't going anywhere! I cannot get over the support. It is fantastic!! It is so great that when I was running in it, I didn't even think about my chest, not once! I'm looking to pick up another one soon.

Santa also brought Phinn and I a BOB. If you haven't heard of BOB and are a mama and serious runner who wants to tote her kid(s) along, you should check them out. I got the SUS D'LUX version because it has a fixed front wheel and is good for sidewalks and off roading. Unfortunately the car seat attachment is not compatible with our Chicco Keyfit, so I'll have to wait until Phinn has better neck control to take him for a ride. This should make going for runs much easier since I can just bring him along.

In addition to my amazing running gear, I also got two kettlebells (7 and 10 pounds) complete with a workout DVD. This week has been a little too cold and snowy for running outdoors. Plus since we were visiting family and friends, I was a little short on workout time. The kettlebell workout was perfect. It is a 25 minute workout that definitely gets you sweating and raises your heart rate to good cardio levels. I'm really looking forward to working this routine into my morning exercises because it is quick and high impact.

I did a quick kettlebell workout this morning and then made a trip to the gym. I made a deal with myself that I could try running, but if I had any knee pain I needed to change to the elliptical. I was able to run a little under two miles with an incline at a 10-11 minute/mile pace without hearing from my knee. While I would have liked to run further, I wasn't about to push my good fortune. I'm still working on rebuilding my strength so that my muscles will hopefully be able to better support my knee when I resume a more strenuous running routine in the new year.

I weighted in at 120 pounds, so no change there. I'm okay with that as I got to indulge in some pretty awesome holiday food; however, it is back to my healthy routine come January.

Here are my seven week pictures...

And a bonus picture of my adorable 2 month old (crazy how time flies!!) Lion King! He weighted in at 13 pounds, 5 ounces and is 23.5" long.

I would do anything for that smile!!

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