Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Target Remorse

I think all women have this. You go into Target. You have your list. You start picking up things on your list AND then your eyes wander from that list and the flood gates have opened. Items that were not on your list start pouring into your cart. You get to the check out and the cashier announces your grand total. You look at the number of bags you have (which is not very many), scratch your head, and think "My total is what?! How the heck did that happen??"

Well this happened to me just today. I had my list. Phinn and I were on a mission and a time schedule. We were to be in and out or so I thought. We checked out and there the cashier broke the news to me - $140!!!

"No, you don't understand," I thought. "I just came in here for a few things. I didn't buy anything expensive."

As I walked to the car feeling immediately remorseful (or as my husband calls it "Catholic guilt"), I wondered how I let this happen. Now usually I would just wallow in my guilt for the remainder of the day, but this time I was enlightened. I asked myself, "If I were on a strict budget, what would I put back to bring that total down to a more respectable number?" I decided to sort my purchases as soon as I got home into three piles - gifts for others, needs, and wants.

And here they are:

Gifts for Others

In hindsight the toy car probably belongs in the "wants" but that was the only thing that
could keep Phinn occupied while I tried to round up everything on our list.

Clif Crunch Bars, La Croix sparkling water, two running shirts (which is pretty much my
everyday wear nowadays), and there may be a bag of Twizzlers shamefully hidden in the glove box of my car.

Now I can see the err of my ways, but how can I atone for it? Return one of the running shirts? Possibly. BUT I think it will also be beneficial to learn from this exercise. I feel like I have a few options.

Option 1: I need to purchase a pair of horse blinders that will only allow me to see what is on my list.

Option 2: I need to be banned from Target.

Option 3: I need to strengthen my ability to identify something as a "need" vs. a "want" before I toss it in my cart.

I'm going to attempt Option 3, but won't be opposed to enacting 1 or 2 if all else fails!

1 comment:

  1. I'm the worst at target! Cute baby clothes everywhere! I pre-price my shopping lists so I have an idea of what I'm supposed to spend and then I take cash in an envelope with my coupons. You can't spend it if you don't have it, right? I think the pre-pricing helps the most so I can make amendments at home before I leave.
