Friday, December 31, 2010
If You Want to Do It, All You Have to Do is Do It
For me and probably many of you, NYE makes you think about what you did (or did not) accomplish this year and what you hope to accomplish next year. So often we think that things are so out of reach or unrealistic or too risky, but we can't expect to conquer the world without going outside of our comfort zone. This NYE as Hunter and I make a list of things we want to do in 2011, I've decided to challenge myself and put things on my list (one of which is to run and complete a marathon, but more on that tomorrow) that require me to expand my level of comfort. I found this video (may seem cheesy to some, but what inspires you more than something that tugs on your heart strings?!) on one of my running blogs and it has truly inspired me. Not only can this inspire you to reach any fitness goals you may have, I think it can inspire you to accomplish anything- any goal that you feel is too lofty or any risk that you feel is too big to take. Just start by taking that first step forward...
And even though the road might be rough, don't give up until you have crossed the finish line.
So let's raise our glasses and make this the year that we do life.
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Week Seven Check In: Bells Will Be Ringing
I got the most amazing sports bra, the Three Blessings from Title Nine. Sure it might take another set of hands to fasten but once I'm in there, those boobs aren't going anywhere! I cannot get over the support. It is fantastic!! It is so great that when I was running in it, I didn't even think about my chest, not once! I'm looking to pick up another one soon.
Santa also brought Phinn and I a BOB. If you haven't heard of BOB and are a mama and serious runner who wants to tote her kid(s) along, you should check them out. I got the SUS D'LUX version because it has a fixed front wheel and is good for sidewalks and off roading. Unfortunately the car seat attachment is not compatible with our Chicco Keyfit, so I'll have to wait until Phinn has better neck control to take him for a ride. This should make going for runs much easier since I can just bring him along.
In addition to my amazing running gear, I also got two kettlebells (7 and 10 pounds) complete with a workout DVD. This week has been a little too cold and snowy for running outdoors. Plus since we were visiting family and friends, I was a little short on workout time. The kettlebell workout was perfect. It is a 25 minute workout that definitely gets you sweating and raises your heart rate to good cardio levels. I'm really looking forward to working this routine into my morning exercises because it is quick and high impact.
I did a quick kettlebell workout this morning and then made a trip to the gym. I made a deal with myself that I could try running, but if I had any knee pain I needed to change to the elliptical. I was able to run a little under two miles with an incline at a 10-11 minute/mile pace without hearing from my knee. While I would have liked to run further, I wasn't about to push my good fortune. I'm still working on rebuilding my strength so that my muscles will hopefully be able to better support my knee when I resume a more strenuous running routine in the new year.
I weighted in at 120 pounds, so no change there. I'm okay with that as I got to indulge in some pretty awesome holiday food; however, it is back to my healthy routine come January.
Here are my seven week pictures...
And a bonus picture of my adorable 2 month old (crazy how time flies!!) Lion King! He weighted in at 13 pounds, 5 ounces and is 23.5" long.
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Weeks Five and Six Check In: Short on Time But High in Victories
When I'm not playing Mrs. Claus, Martha Stewart, or Mama, I have been able to squeeze in some workouts. I have been trying to be kinder to my knees so I'm back on the elliptical and the stairmaster which has made a huge difference. I no longer feel like my knees are going to give out from under me. I'm also working on strengthening my legs by doing some leg squats, presses, and other weight resistance exercises. I'm planning to try running again this week. If I start to feel knee pain, I'll change it up to a walk-run. I have also been using my balance ball and have become a pro at doing quick 10-15 minute workouts for my arms, abs, and legs. These mini workouts have held me over on days that I haven't been able to make it to the gym.
Also I realized that I talk about the importance of exercise and nutrition but most of my posts only discuss exercise. I tend to eat the same things every day because it is simple and an easy way to stay on track. I get my variety at dinner and on the weekends. (Oh! The weekends can really throw off my good week if I'm not careful!!)
So here is a quick run down of my typical eating habits:
Breakfast: Oatmeal with blueberries (or dried fruit and nuts) and a touch of brown sugar
Morning Snack: Fruit (Apple slices, applesauce, or clementine)
Lunch: Salad with fruit (dried cranberries, fresh pears, and/or mandarin oranges), nuts (almonds or walnuts), and occasionally tuna OR soup (My latest favorite is Butternut Squash Soup - never thought I'd say that!). Usually I'll pair this with a piece of whole grain toast (or during the holidays half of a Wolferman's Multigrain English Muffin- yum!!) And if I've been really good, I'll have a piece of dark chocolate or a few dark chocolate almonds for dessert.
Afternoon Snack: Fruit & Nut Trail Mix Bar or if I'm heading to the gym a Peanut Crunch Cliff Bar
Some typical Smith family dinners (at least lately) are Veggie Burgers and Roasted Broccoli, Turkey and Spinach Meatloaf, Beef Stew, Homemade Chicken Noodle Soup, Grilled Chicken and Roasted Spicy Sweet Potatoes, and when we are feeling fancy Salmon with a Mushroom Risotto. We have been "picking up" dinner about once a week since Phinn's arrival. (Even for two people who enjoy cooking sometimes it is the last thing we want to do or have the energy to do.)
Last but not least this Mama has had a couple wins over the past week or so. First I am down to 120 pounds! Only five more to go!! While my body still has a ways to go in terms of muscle tone, losing the weight is half the battle. Next I tried on my loosest pair of pre-pregnancy jeans and was able to button them!! They aren't comfortable enough to wear just yet but maybe in a few more weeks and with some more time at the gym. Finally my BIGGEST win, Phinn slept through the night for the first time last Friday. (Of course I didn't because I kept waking up anticipating that he would wake up and when he didn't I was checking to make sure he was still breathing!)
All in all weeks five and six have been pretty productive. I'm beginning to feel more and more confident and comfortable with myself and I'm adjusting to the new "normal." (I'll talk about the new normal more later. It has been a revelation for Hunter and I!)
Friday, December 17, 2010
Cherry Dark Chocolate Chip Cookies
This summer I discovered dried cherries in a trail mix from Whole Foods and all I can say is where have they been hiding my whole life?! They are delicious!! I can eat them by the handful and they make a great addition to any trail mix or oatmeal. These cherries inspired me to revamp my chocolate chip cookies and I came up with the recipe below. I hope you enjoy!
Cherry Dark Chocolate Chip Cookies
2 1/4 cups whole wheat pastry flour
1 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp salt
1 cup butter, softened
3/4 cup sugar
3/4 cup brown sugar
2 tsp vanilla extract
2 eggs
2 cups dark chocolate chips (I used Ghiradelli's.)
2 cups dried cherries
Preheat oven to 375.
Stir flour with baking soda and salt; set aside. Beat butter with sugar and brown sugar until creamy. Add vanilla and eggs, one at a time.
Gradually add dry mixture to creamed mixture. Stir in chocolate chips and cherries. Drop by tablespoon onto cookie sheets. Bake for 9-11 minutes or until golden brown.
Monday, December 13, 2010
Relaxin: Not as Cool as it Sounds
I vaguely remembered reading about some sort of hormone or chemical that your body releases that loosens your joints and ligaments during pregnancy to enable you to physically give birth. Well according to my midwife this hormone is called RELAXIN and it does exactly what you think- causes the softening of ligaments which means you need to be extra careful of your joints and muscles. But I had a baby almost seven weeks ago, why is this still affecting me?! Again, according to my midwife as well as some online research, if you are a breastfeeding mama this hormone (along with a bunch of other ones) are still present. Your hormones won't go back to normal until you are not breastfeeding. Also research is inconclusive about how long relaxin affects your body, some believe it can be up to 12 months after you wean! It is suggested that you take it easy on your joints as you rebuild your strength.
Well this pesky little hormone is raining on my postpartum fitness plan! I was planning and still hoping on running my first marathon in the fall of 2011. However, my knees are too precious to sacrifice for my personal goal because obviously I would like to continue to run after 2011 and not be getting knee replacements at the age of 26! So this knee pain is causing me to revise my fitness plan. I know I won't be able to give up running now that I have had a taste of it again, but I think I will cut back to one day a week and not three. I will focus the rest of my workout time on getting my core back into shape and strengthening my legs to better support my knees. Maybe by the time the new year rolls around, my knees will be done RELAXIN and up for the challenge of taking on a little more...
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Week Four Check In: All I Want for Christmas...
I also stepped on the scale again and came in at 123 pounds. I'll update my pictures on Saturday when I go for my next run. (I need to work on remembering to have Hunter snap some before I head to the gym.) These last remaining pounds sure are taking their time to work off! It is a little frustrating having this extra weight around during the holiday season because I feel like I have nothing to wear to holiday parties and for Christmas (Can I wear jeans to the midnight service?!). And of course this is also the time of year that you see people that you only see a couple times a year or maybe even every few years, so you want to look good for that too. I know I just had a baby six weeks ago, but you can't fight me on this one- you would want to look and feel your best too! I am trying to hold out on buying anything because I don't want to buy clothes that are going to fit me now but then look frumpy after I lose the last of the baby weight. I'm hoping that maybe since I have introduced some more demanding exercise into my routine that some of my old clothes will be able to fit over my hips and actually looking flattering, not like if I exhale I'll split apart at the seams! A Christmas miracle...
Speaking of Christmas miracles, here is a picture of me and my little miracle.
Monday, December 6, 2010
I've Got a Fever and the Only Cure Is...
I just could not take it any more! I could no longer sit on the sideline and hear people talk about running, read about running, or see other people running. And it certainly did not help that the emails were flooding in about registering for different 2011 races. (Side note: If you are in the Northern VA area and run or want to start running, check out Pacers yearly race series. I have done most of them and have always been impressed with their organization as well as schwag.)
So I went for my first run (or perhaps a better word is jog) on Sunday and the whole time I was looking around in disbelief. Am I really running?! I kept my pace nice and easy ranging between 11-12 minute miles. My goal was to complete two miles, but I also promised myself that if anything felt off, I would scale back. I certainly did not want to screw anything up this close to the finish line.
I was able to meet my goal of running two miles and finished in just over 23 minutes. The only thing that bothered me slightly were my knees. I think they enjoyed the break from the shock and pounding that comes with running. I made sure to warm up properly and stretch well during my cool down. (Two things that I have never been very good at making proper time for.) It was very encouraging to see that my body not only remembered how to run but could do it without complaining too much after eight months off.
I did learn that my sports bras aren't going to cut it!! I have some great recommendations on sports bras from Title Nine (7 Wonders and Three Blessings) and was hoping a couple of them may appear under the Christmas tree. However, after yesterday's run I'm thinking Santa might need to come a little early...
The best thing that came out of my run was a renewed spirit. It was so uplifting! You know the feeling you get when you are having an "on" day- hair, make-up, outfit are in the zone- it was like that. I think I even practically heard a Hallelujah chorus!!
Last week I signed up for the Virginia Beach Anthem Half Marathon (part of the Yuengling Shamrock Marathon) on March 20th. So with this first successful run my training has commenced for my first post-baby half marathon!!!
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Orange Ya Ready for New Recipes?!
Cranberry Orange Bread
I recall the first time I made this, I actually passed on eating it because I didn't think I'd like the taste combination. I was so wrong! The cranberries and orange pair perfectly for a flavorful explosion in your mouth. I promise that you will not be able to have just one piece. Trust me! I think I ate it for every meal the other day.
Preheat oven to 350
1 cup fresh cranberries
2 cups all purpose flour (I used whole wheat pastry flour.)
1 cup sugar
1/2 teaspoon baking powder
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 tablespoon orange zest
1 large egg
4 tablespoons unsalted butter
3/4 cup fresh squeezed orange juice
1 teaspoon vanilla
In a small bowl, combine beaten egg with orange juice and vanilla.
In a large bowl, whisk the flour with sugar, baking powder, baking soda, salt, and orange zest. Cut the butter into small pieces and mix with flour mixture until it looks like coarse crumbs.
Fold the wet ingredients into the dry ones. Add cranberries. (I chop the cranberries in half so there are more to go around.) Pour into a loaf pan and bake 50-60 minutes or until toothpick comes out clean. Remove from oven and let cool.
Try not to eat in one day :)
Green Beans with Orange Essence and Maple Pecans (Cook's Illustrated Nov. 2003)
My mom made this side dish for Thanksgiving this year and I'm pretty sure that there weren't any leftover. My brother whose plate usually consists of ham, mashed potatoes, and a roll even grabbed himself some (after of course learning that it wasn't asparagus) and actually enjoyed them. If that doesn't speak volumes as to how good these are, I don't know what will!
3/4 cup pecans, chopped coarse
3 tablespoons unsalted butter
2 tablespoons maple syrup
Table salt
2 medium shallots, minced
1/2 teaspoon grated orange zest
1/3 cup fresh squeezed orange juice
pinch cayenne pepper
2 teaspoons unbleached, all-purpose flour
1.5 pounds green beans, stem ends trimmed
2/3 cup low-sodium chicken broth
1 teaspoon minced fresh sage leaves
Ground black pepper
Toast pecans in 12-inch nonstick skillet over medium-high heat, stirring occasionally, until fragrant, about 3 minutes. Remove from heat, stir in 1-tablespoon butter, maple syrup, and ⅛ teaspoon salt. Return skillet to medium heat and cook, stirring constantly, until nuts are dry and glossy, about 45 seconds; transfer to plate and set aside.
Wipe out skillet. Heat remaining 2 tablespoons butter in skillet over medium heat; when foaming subsides, add shallots, orange zest, and cayenne and cook, stirring occasionally, until shallots are softened, about 2 minutes. Stir in flour until combined, then toss in green beans. Add chicken broth, orange juice, and sage; increase heat to medium-high, cover, and cook until beans are partly tender but still crisp at center, about 4 minutes. Uncover and cook, stirring occasionally, until beans are tender and sauce has thickened slightly, about 4 minutes. Off heat, adjust seasonings with salt and pepper. Transfer to serving dish, sprinkle evenly with pecans, and serve.
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Week Three Check In: Holding Steady but Ready for More
Now down to business... While I may have had last week off from the gym, I certainly did not slack off - other than my indulgence in the delicious food my parents prepared while we stayed with them (They have become quite the foodies since their kids have grown up!). I took daily walks ranging from 45 minutes to an hour, and my parents' neighborhood is made up entirely of hills which gave me more of a challenge especially with a stroller.
Today, I was back at the gym. I managed to do 35 minutes, at a resistance of 5 to 6, on the elliptical and actually worked up a decent sweat. As for my weight-in, the scale read 124 pounds. While it wasn't quite the change I was hoping for, I guess it is alright considering the good food I had last week. I'm thinking that the last nine pounds aren't going to come off as quickly as the first 20! I just need to make sure that I am eating wisely which means no more days where I eat half a loaf of the cranberry-orange bread I made (SO GOOD! I'll be sharing that recipe as well.). I also need to make time for the gym or one of my fitness DVDs. (Hunter and I have been discussing scheduling time for our hobbies. Surprisingly it was his idea not mine, but is a darn good one!)
Also below are my pictures as promised- this is me nearly five weeks since Phinn was born. (Gosh! He is getting old!!) And, yes I colored my hair. I was feeling up for a change, and with me potentially only going back to work part-time, I've been looking for some ways to trim back on expenses (More on the whole work situation later...).
Speaking of Phinn, he went to his one month check-up and is already 11 pounds (Another good reason to incorporate weight lifting back into my routine!) and 22.5 inches long! What a cutie!!
So my goal for this week is to keep up with the gym, possibly add some time for weights as well as continuing my cardio, and to send the rest of the cranberry orange bread to work with Hunter ;)
Monday, November 22, 2010
Week Two: Check In
So I finally made it to the gym to weight myself last Wednesday night. I have to admit I was a little nervous to step on the scale. With some of the eating I have been doing, part of me would not have been surprised if my weight had barely changed!
I happily learned that my three week post-pregnancy weight was 125 pounds. I am down twenty pounds from when I delivered (mostly thanks to delivering an 8 lb 5 oz baby and shedding the other extra stuff too) and have ten pounds left to lose.
I did not stay long enough to workout because I had gotten my butt kicked the night before by Phinn's demands to be held in order to sleep and it hadn't changed during the day. (READ: A glass of wine was calling my name a lot louder than the treadmill!!)
On Thursday, my mom came to visit and we went for a nice, long walk and it felt glorious! The best part is that after the walk I did not experience any pain which means I didn't push myself too far. This little victory gave me the push I needed to schedule a trip to the gym. (Yes, those things have to be planned in advance now!)
On Saturday morning, I woke up and left my boys snuggled up in bed. I tied my gym shoes- the first time in a long time I'd been able to do that without a belly bump making it more challenging- and off I went. I tried out the elliptical first. I was able to go for twenty minutes before I started to feel some discomfort. In keeping my promise to myself to take it nice and easy and listen to my body, I switched to the treadmill and walked for my remaining fifteen minutes at a decent pace and incline. Again, I was able to do this light exercise without paying for it later.
So that was my Week Two! I will post some pictures soon - it is on my "to do" list ;)
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Mama Blues
When you are thinking about having children and even while you are pregnant, you think "I just have to feed him, change him, and then he'll sleep peacefully in his bassinet and I'll have all this time." I remember wondering what I was going to do on maternity leave to keep myself occupied. (Ha! Oh how naive I was!!)
Then your baby arrives and everything is wonderful. You are over the moon in love with him. You can't imagine ever getting tired of holding him. You secretly enjoy his cries in the middle of the night because you know he needs you and that you are his comfort. Your world is perfect.
And then your husband goes back to work, and suddenly you have two less hands to take care of your baby's needs. The blissful newness of it all begins to wear off. Phinn and I are on day six of just us. Some days we feel like a well-oiled machine, moving from feedings to changings to napping and can even accomplish other activities like reading books, tummy time, and going for walks. Other days, like yesterday, I'm lucky to be able to brush my teeth or go to the bathroom. I can't even dream about taking a shower or brushing my hair. Phinn seems to be going through a phase where he is only content if someone is holding him, and when you are alone with the baby for ten or eleven hours of the day, guess who that someone is!
I love that my son needs me, and I love being a mom and being able to provide for him. But I also need time to be me. I think that has been the hardest part for me in becoming a mom. Some days, I feel like I have lost my identity as myself and to some degree as a wife. I want to be open about my feelings because I'm sure others feel or have felt this way and it is always good to know that you are not alone! Becoming a mom is an adjustment - a BIG one - and one that you have to make all at once. There really is no easing into it other than pregnancy.
Like I said, yesterday was a rough day for us. Phinn was only happy being held and after about the sixth hour of holding him, I broke down. I got the New Mama Blues a bit and was upset that I couldn't do anything anymore, that I would never get my body back because I had ruined it, and that from here on out I was only a mom. (Yes, quite dramatic!) Then I immediately felt guilty because here I am with this healthy, beautiful son, and I'm living the life that I have always truly wanted. I felt guilty that I didn't feel happier. I just never imagined that being a mom would be this challenging. Everyone tells you that your life is going to change and you know that, but until it happens you have no idea how much it changes. Yes, there will be days where your baby seems to take over whatever you had planned for the day and only wants to be held; but as a friend of mine told me, remember that these are phases and don't wish it away because there will come a day when he doesn't want you to hold him anymore. (Tear!) So after receiving some reassurance from my husband and my mom, I know that I am not a bad mother because I have these feelings. I am trying to learn to take it day by day and truly appreciate each moment- the good and the bad-because before I know it, he'll be all grown up.
Today I am grateful for my Baby Bjorn (Don't know why I didn't think of that yesterday!!) that has allowed me to type this post one handed as I hold my happy baby and eat my oatmeal. I am also grateful for my mom who came up to spend some time with us. It is so nice to have an extra set of hands to help and ears to listen. I even picked up a few more tips on being a mom- imagine that! And I'm grateful for my understanding, reassuring husband who always has faith in me. But most of all, I am thankful that God has given me this incredible little miracle and has charged me with helping him to discover and thrive in this crazy world. While the blues may have gotten the best of me yesterday, today is a new day and we are off to a great start!
Monday, November 15, 2010
Have I Mentioned...
On Friday, he called on his way home from work and said that he needed to swing by Target to pick something up, but he wouldn't tell me what he was getting. Naturally I thought it was some DVD or CD that we wanted. WRONG! It was a Gaiam Balance Ball and workout DVD. Turns out he was talking to some other moms around his office and they recommended this as a way to get some low impact exercise while I'm waiting to fully recover.
I tried out the DVD today and managed to get through the upper body section before I was called back to "mom duty." The DVD is nice because it breaks down into mini workouts (which seems to be about all I can squeeze in for the time being!) that last about 10 minutes a piece and focus on different parts of the body.
So between this DVD and the Tracy Anderson DVD, I should be able to get in some quality home workouts during the day. Hopefully they will hold me over until I can get back to the gym. By the way, the Balance Ball also makes a great rocker when you are trying to soothe a newborn, and as an added bonus, you get a mini workout while doing it!
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Week One Check In: Too Soon!
Around lunch time we took a little walk to get some fresh air in hopes of brightening our spirits. We walked for about 30 minutes. By the time we got home I was feeling a little sore, so we headed back to the couch to rest. I began rethinking my trip to the gym scheduled for this evening because even though I'm anxious to get back I don't want to push it too soon and sideline myself even longer.

I decided to settle for lifting some free weights and popping in Tracy Anderson's Post-Pregnancy Work Out DVD. (Tracy is Gwyneth Paltrow's trainer. She is 5 ft tall and gained 60 pounds when she was pregnant with her son. It is AWESOME to have a workout designed by someone who has been there!) Lifting my little 5 pound weights felt good; sadly, the DVD did not feel as good. It was not the DVD's fault by any means. It was mine. I had done about fifteen minutes of it the day before and I don't think my body was up for repeating it just yet.
I think I'm going to stick to walking outside (as long as the weather cooperates), lifting weights at home, and occasionally sticking in a workout DVD when I can make the time at least for one more week. It seems like my body is telling me that it would like a little more time to heal and I can't say that I blame it. Frankly, I am still amazed at what a woman's body does during pregnancy and labor & delivery and how quickly it naturally rebounds.
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Starting Back at Square One
As women, I think we have these grandiose ideas about what our bodies will look like post-pregnancy which are fueled by the feature stories we see about celebrities who are back to their perfect bodies within days or weeks of giving birth. We also compare ourselves to other women and believe that we are the only ones who have problems. Everything seems so storybook for everyone else. Hopefully in following my progress you'll see that things aren't always rainbows and butterflies. We may not all have the same challenges but we all have some barrier that is standing in our way.
During this pregnancy, I gained 30 pounds (from 115 to 145) and have noticed that I lost some muscle tone in my arms and legs. I honestly don't know how much I lost in delivery because I haven't stepped on a scale, but I will admit that most days I feel pretty positive about my post-pregnancy body. About one week after delivery, I felt incredibly optimistic and tried on my loosest pair of pre-pregnancy jeans. Needless to say they didn't quite make it over my rear end! So I am working on a postpartum routine that includes eating well and exercising that will help me get back in shape and return to my running.
The first part of my plan is to track what I am eating and counting calories to make sure that I'm not going overboard. I will say that I am hungrier now that I'm breastfeeding than I ever was pregnant! Just for the record, I am not dieting because my caloric needs are greater than they have ever been in order to maintain a strong milk supply, and I know I'll need some additional calories as my workout routine picks up. My goal is to simply keep my appetite in check and ensure that I'm getting the proper nutrition to take care of Phinn and myself. Did I mention that I got a Wellness Journal from my in-laws for my birthday?! Talk about perfect timing! It has a whole daily food journal section that will be perfect for tracking my progress. From what I have read, I have seen recommendations for breastfeeding moms to consume anywhere between 1,800 - 2.500 calories. It seems a lot of it depends on your weight, exercise habits, and metabolism. Pre-pregnancy, I aimed to consume around 1,500 calories, so I'm going to start off trying to keep my calorie count between 1,800-2,000 per day, see how it goes and adjust from there.
The second part of my plan is to get back to my exercise routine and most importantly RUNNING! I'm sure some of you (myself included) are surprised that I have been able to hold out this long, but I am really trying to do things right and take care of my body by letting it recover before I go diving back into a strenuous running routine. I plan to start where I left off with my pregnancy workouts- walking or doing the elliptical for 30-45 minutes at least four days a week. Once I have mastered that, I will begin with some light jogging. It is my goal to run my first post-pregnancy half marathon in March, but more on that later. My first day back at the gym will be tomorrow. I decided that it will be my reward for surviving my first full day with Hunter back at work.
Each week I am going to post check-ins that discuss my exercise routine, nutrition, and provide you with pictures and stats. Currently, I do not own a scale. I have never been a fan of weighting myself and figure that if I'm looking good, my clothes fit and I'm happy what does a number mean. I'll weight myself once a week at the gym but other than that I do not want my weight in terms of pounds to become my focus.
I know that this weight was not gained overnight and it will not disappear overnight, so I will try to keep my attitude positive and my goals realistic but challenging.
Check-in with me tomorrow for my first weekly update...
Monday, November 8, 2010
Time Out - One Step at a Time (Almost Literally)
I started off feeling great. It was wonderful to breathe in fresh air and feel a little bit of sunshine on my face! I was walking at a decent pace but shortly after perusing the Christmas section at Pottery Barn, my stitches were killing me and my rear end felt like it was on fire. As we moved on to a few more stores, my pace slowed to that of a crawl. I think I might have even given in to using a rascal, if it had been offered. I will say that while I was managing some physical discomfort, mentally I was in heaven. It felt so good to just be out and about, see other people, and remember how it feels to wear clothes (not pajamas) with a little bit of make-up and my hair straightened. I managed to stumble through the last few stores, but needless to say I was very excited when Hunter offered to go get the car and I could wait on a bench for him.
Since Friday, I have managed to squeeze in a little trip out of the house each day. We went to Purcellville Marketplace (cute little store in town that has a year-round Christmas section) on Saturday and Church and Target on Sunday. I think getting out is important not only because it gets me up and moving, but my little field trips also provide me with sanity! As I've mentioned before, I hate to feel chained to the couch. I'm not good at vegging out or sitting still. It just leads to more restlessness, not to mention it also lengthens my "to-do" list as I stare at piles of clutter, baby gear strewn about the house, dirty floors, and I could go on about the ten things I see that need cleaning right now as I type...
I'm still optimistic that I will be back at the gym - at least walking or using the elliptical - before Thanksgiving. This week I am going to start formulating my plan to get back to "me" which will include both exercise and nutrition, and I will share my progress with you. I am doing my best to be patient and give my body some recovery time, but I also think that I'm going to have to manage some level of discomfort as I reenter my exercise routine. As long as my two best friends - Motrin IB and heating pad - are nearby, I will survive.
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Special Delivery!
Shortly after we arrived, all of the triage exam rooms were filled and we could hear the nurses talking about how packed Labor and Delivery was. When I checked in I was 5 cm dilated and as soon as they hooked me up to the equipment my water broke. They kept me in triage for about three hours monitoring my contractions, Phinn's heart rate, and how quickly things were moving. By 9AM, I was anxiously awaiting to be admitted (what I really wanted was an EPIDURAL!) and luckily we got the last Labor and Delivery Suite. About an hour later at 6 cm, I saw one of my favorite people- the anesthesiologist- and once he administered the good stuff, I was a happy camper. (Side note: The nurses and staff at Inova Loudoun's Birthing Inn are AMAZING! I will definitely be a repeat customer ;) )
The next seven hours were spent just relaxing and waiting to reach 10 cm. They did give me pitocin to speed things along. This part was pretty painless and enabled me to rest and store up my energy for the main event and did I ever need it!
At 5PM, our midwife came in and said its time to start pushing! While I quickly caught on to the proper pushing technique, Phinn was making little progress (mostly due to my small pelvis and his size). I was also having some serious neck and shoulder pain. My muscles had gotten stiff because I had been laying on my side for seven hours because they were trying to encourage Phinn to turn and descend. This pain was actually so strong that I was in tears, but the positive side is that it worked like Indian medicine and I was almost unaware of any pain associated with the delivery. I firmly believe that my workouts paid off and gave me the stamina that I needed to push for hours. Plus my athlete mentality helped me to keep going even when the pain felt like it was too much. I knew if I just kept giving it hell then I was going to be holding my son soon!
I also want to give credit to my wonderful coach and husband. He stood by my side the entire time and at times was more involved than he originally wanted to be. He made sure that my ice chips were overflowing, my head was cool, and I kept my focus on the finish line. I could not have done it without him!
After three hours of pushing Phinneas James Smith made his debut into the world at 8 pounds 5 ounces and 20 3/4 inches long, and my and Hunter's world has been forever changed. All the cliches you hear about when you child is born are true. I feel so blessed to have my wonderful family that is healthy, happy, and full of love!
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Just Wishing and Hoping and Thinking and Praying...

To help pass the time, cure some of my restlessness, and encourage Baby Smith along, I have been getting in about 45 minutes at the gym four or five days a week. It is also kind of nice when you are at the gym and people ask how far along you are, and then when you tell them they are very impressed with your dedication. However, I think I may have overstayed my welcome this week because I am beginning to make the older ladies who work the front desk nervous. I think they are afraid that I could just give birth at anytime! I now have to provide them with emergency contacts when I come in. So to ease their anxiety, I think Baby Smith and I are going to stick to walking outside. (Not a bad thing with this AMAZING fall weather!)
I have been listening to my body and not pushing myself- well for the most part. I must say that it is hard to feel like you are working out without "working" a little bit. There have been some times when I've been out walking that I have had some pretty serious cramping but have just slowed my pace, taken some deep breaths, and kept on going. (I'm convinced that pushing through this discomfort will help me deal with labor pains better.)
I have had a couple good runs with pre-labor contractions. At least for me, contractions feel pretty much how you think they would- at this point they aren't too painful, just uncomfortable and can take my breath away. According to our midwife, these have been good practice for me and have been warming-up my muscles for when the real thing comes along. (Makes sense, I guess. It would be like running your race without stretching and doing some warm-ups beforehand.) And the contractions have not been in vain, but have actually dilated me to 3 cm- which again according to our midwife, many women would kill for. She said that it doesn't necessarily mean he is coming anytime soon (some women dilate that much and stay that way until their due date or later) but it is a good sign that Baby Smith does indeed want to join us!
A couple people have asked me if I'm scared about labor and delivery, and a few months ago I would have answered YES. (I remember reading the labor and delivery section of What to Expect and having a total meltdown because I didn't want to give birth- not really an option when you are seven months in!!) However, I'm pretty sure that is why God makes pregnancy nine months long because by the ninth month you are feeling miserable and just ready to be "done" that you don't care how your baby gets out of there! I have accepted that there are only two ways for Baby Smith to come out and have made peace with what is going to be asked of my body. I'm SURE it will still be the hardest thing I've ever done, but I think I am in a much better mindset to handle the challenge. Plus I'll get to meet my handsome son, who I have already grown to love more than I can imagine.
So here's to wishing and hoping our little bundle of joy doesn't keep me waiting too much longer!
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Pumpkin Perfect

Pumpkin also packs some powerful health benefits. It is loaded with vitamins (A, C, and E!), fiber, and a variety of carotenoids (which can help lower your risk for a variety of cancers and heart disease), and it is also low in calories. So as you reach for your second or third slice of pumpkin bread, you can at least console yourself with the fact that you are getting some good nutrients.
While we all probably have a family recipe for pumpkin pie or pumpkin bread (or just use the one from the side of the Libby's can), I thought I'd share with you a couple of nontraditional pumpkin recipes.
Turkey Pumpkin Chili
I found this recipe last fall on Whole Foods recipe website and have used it for many a football games and crisp fall evenings. I will say that when I first suggested making this, I did get some turned up noses, but in the end they all ended up becoming fans of my new spin on chili.
2 tbsp olive oil
1 small yellow onion, chopped
1 medium green bell pepper, chopped
2 jalapenos, seeds removed and chopped
2 cloves garlic, finely chopped
1 lb ground turkey
1 (14.5 oz) can diced tomatoes
1 (15 oz) can pumpkin puree
1 tbsp chili powder
1 tsp ground cumin
1 tsp salt
1/2 tsp pepper
1 (15 oz) can kidney beans, drained
Directions: Heat oil in large pan over medium heat. Add bell peppers, onions, jalapenos, and garlic. Cook stirring frequently for 5 minutes or until tender. Add turkey and cook until browned. Add tomatoes, pumpkin, 1 cup water, chili powder, cumin, salt, and pepper. Bring to a boil. Reduce heat to low and add beans. Cover and cook stirring occasionally for 30 minutes. Then it is ready for enjoying. You can also make it a day ahead because chili always tastes better on the second day after everything in the pot has really gotten to mix together.
Great Pumpkin Cookies
Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
2 cups flour
1 cup oats
1 tsp baking soda
1 tsp cinnamon
1/2 tsp salt
1 cup butter or margarine softened (If using butter, add some extra flour or the cookies are flat.)
1 cup firmly packed brown sugar
1 cup granulated sugar
1 egg, slightly beaten
1 tsp vanilla
1 cup canned pumpkin (plain, NOT pumpkin pie filling)
1 cup dark chocolate chips
Directions: Combine flour, oats, baking soda, cinnamon and salt. Set aside. Cream butter, Gradually add sugars, beating until light and fluffy. Add egg and vanilla; mix well. Alternate additions of dry ingredients and pumpkins, mixing well after each addition. Stir in chocolate chips. For each cookie, drop 1/4 cup dough (for large cookie) or a rounded teaspoon (for small cookie) onto a lightly greased cookie sheet. If you are feeling very Martha Stewart, you can use a thin metal spatula to form dough into a pumpkin shape (with a stem). Bake 20-25 minutes for large or 10-12 minutes for small cookies, until cookies are firm and lightly browned. Remove from cookie sheets; cool on racks. Cookies can be enjoyed plain or topped with icing or peanut butter with some raisins or nuts- either way they are SCRUMPTIOUS!
Monday, October 18, 2010
Conventional vs. Organic (And what the heck does Natural mean?)
The biggest downside of shopping at Whole Foods was that the closest one is an hour from Purcellville, which meant with commuting time and time spent shopping, a whole afternoon was spent. Eventually, I stopped allotting the time needed to shop there and my organic shopping dwindled too.
Now, that I have gotten my blog started the flame has been rekindled to evaluate what and how my family and I are eating.
Why spend the extra cash to eat organic food? Why spend the extra time to prepare more meals from scratch and not from store bought packages, mixes, or kits? Well, we are what we eat right? I think so many of our health problems stem from what we are putting in our body. Doesn’t it freak you out when you look at the shelf life of some of the products you buy? No food was meant to last in your pantry for three years! Just think about what the manufacturers must add to it to give it that life expectancy!! I firmly believe that many of the conditions and diseases that plague us could be significantly reduced if we put better things in our bodies. And I am committed to try with my family.
How to start? If you don’t feel like you can commit to an organic lifestyle because you don’t have the store/options or you have a strict cash flow, or even sometimes you just can’t make it to the grocery store that has organic options, you can still take some small steps. You may have heard of the Dirty Dozen- a list of the 12 produce items with the highest pesticide residue. I think this is a great place to start, especially if these are things that you and/or your family eat regularly.
Another thing that confused me when I started looking at eating organically was what the difference was between organic and natural. You see so many items in the grocery store these days labeled as “natural” and you think “hmm that sounds nice and healthy…” but really a lot of times you might just be paying more money for the “natural” name. I recently read an article in Runner's World about organic food, and it had a great chart in it that I’ve reproduced below that explains the difference between organic, natural, and so on.

So this past Sunday, I dragged Hunter to Whole Foods and we loaded up on organic groceries- mostly things that I can use to make some meals before Baby Smith arrives such as Turkey Pumpkin Chili, Zucchini Quinoa Lasagna, Chicken Noodle Soup, and such- now if only I had a bigger refrigerator!
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Falling into October

So I considered setting some work out goals for October, but after giving it more consideration I decided that this needs to be the month that I start to learn to listen to my body. I have never been very good at adhering to my body's requests to slow down or take a day off. Instead, I push myself, and sometimes it pays off and other times I end up nursing a sore back or some other sort of injury. This is not the month to push myself to achieve more (well at least in terms of exercising), but the month to listen to my body and enjoy the physical activities (Did I mention how awesome it feels to go for a long walk on a crisp fall day?!) that I feel like I can handle.
Learning to listen to your body and actually listen (not hear and ignore like I usually do) is not always easy, especially when what your body is saying and what your goals are do not line up. This month though I know I need to listen. Hunter and I took a long walk on Saturday morning and my pace was too fast, and I'm pretty sure it contributed to the awful day I had and why I had to spend it on the couch. (I am terrible at relaxing and sitting still. I like to be doing things and on the go. If I'm not doing that, I feel like I'm being wasteful with my time.) So this month in order to prepare for childbirth, I am going to listen to my body and exercise as I feel like I can handle it and only up to the point where I do not cross the line that puts me out of commission. If I can master this skill now, I know it will make it easier for me when I start working out postpartum and really need to listen to my body.
This month I am going to continue to watch what I eat and try to incorporate some more protein and veggies into my diet. (Baby Smith seems to hate those. I love veggies, but throughout my pregnancy nothing has been more revolting to me.) Our midwife said that since Baby Smith is measuring large (by nearly three weeks!) and is bound to keep getting larger, I need to be more cautious about what I eat so that as our childbirth instructor so eloquently put it "I'm not pushing a toddler out of my who-ha." Evidently what you eat now can really affect the baby's growth, so I am trying to stay away from empty calories which has been kind of difficult because with the majority of my torso being occupied by Baby Smith it is hard to eat anything filling. I much prefer popsicles, sliced fruit, apple sauce, crackers, bread, and the likes. To my credit, I have been working some nuts and peanut butter into my diet. Hopefully some of my efforts will pay off or Baby Smith will arrive early and I won't have to worry too much about his seemingly gargantuan size.
So here's to turning over a new leaf (Terrible, I know!) and learning how to listen to my body. In the end, I know I will be glad that I did.
Monday, September 27, 2010
Blackberry Cinnamon Rolls- from Scratch
Anyway I cannot take credit for this recipe in the least, I found it on this blog I follow called "Peas and Thank You." Great writing, adorable family, and great recipes so far too.
So here is link to the recipe. I made them on Sunday night, popped them in the oven Monday morning, and my husband and I will be sharing them for breakfast for the rest of the week. I made him promise to eat breakfast with me this week since I'm working from home now and he will be working late all week. Plus I am not sure how well these cinnamon rolls will travel.
Here are some tips that I have if you try to make them:
- Warm milk does not mean room temperature. I would recommend following the directions on the yeast packet (which I did not) in regards to adding the yeast to warm milk.
- I did not do the vegan ingredients. Instead I opted for milk, butter, and cream cheese. (I might try the vegan way in the future...)
- I cut the butter into small slices. I found that it was easier to mix with the cinnamon and brown sugar.
- Make sure you have an area large enough to roll out the dough. (My kitchen is pretty tiny, so rolling out dough requires me to rearrange it or risk making a HUGE mess- both of which I did!)
- When you are rolling your dough into a log, make sure to roll it TIGHT. Mine was not quite tight enough and some of the rolls came apart a bit overnight and while they were cooking. (Didn't look great but still tasted scrumptious!)
- I did not add the salt to my icing, only added about half of the powdered sugar, and added some more vanilla (because more vanilla extract makes everything taste better!). Icing turned out great- got compliments from my taste tester.
Even if this isn't your thing, I still recommend checking out her blog. She has lots of other recipes to pick from, and I believe she has a cookbook coming out next year, so if you like her recipes be on the look out for that.
September Finds

Zulily: This i


Run Like a Mother: In researching postpartum running, I came across this blog with their aim being to "encourage and entertain running mothers." They feature posts from running moms across the country discussing a wide range of topics- races, gear, nutrition, and all the additional complexities that a running mother has to deal with. Some of the posts are fantastic and others not so interesting, but I think it is a great resource for moms who are runners or who want to run. Their blog hosts a lot of good information and can also steer you in the direction of other mommy blogs that may interest you. Oh and if you really enjoy the blog, they have a book too- already added to my Amazon Wish List :)
Real Mom Nutrition: I found this blog through Run Like a Mother. It is a great resources for families and for mom's with older children. It will definitely be useful when I start packing meals for Baby Smith. (Tear! Can't he stay my baby forever?! He's not even here yet, and I already dislike the idea of him growing up so fast!) Any way it offers "news, opinions, stories & strategies to help busy moms make healthier choices for their families and themselves—without going broke or losing their sanity." The author is a registered dietitian and has contributed to magazines such as Parents, Prevention, Family Circle, Fitness, and Shape.
Here's to hoping my recommendations will save you some of your precious time, energy, and in some cases money!
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Prepping for Postpartum Running

However, after talking to my cousin (a seasoned marathoner and mother) and doing a little research, I have learned that running is not going to be quite the carefree activity it used to be. Instead it is going to be a whole new experience! One of the major changes being a shift in my outlook on running from "I want to run" to "I need to run." Every new mom's (according to what I have read) experience is going to be different, and it even differs from baby to baby, but there are certain aspects of being a new mom that every runner has to work around.
In trying to conduct some online research about postpartum running, I have found that there is very little out there. I do commend all the mommy bloggers out there who write about their experience getting back in the running game after giving birth. There are actually two women professional runners- Paula Radcliffe and Kara Goucher- who were both pregnant this year and wrote about their experiences (Shout out to my cousin Laura for sending me these articles!!). Hopefully they will continue to discuss their experience and tell me how they are getting back in the game. If it weren't for this small group of blogging mommy runners, there would be hardly anything out there for me.
Here are some of the challenges that new moms returning to running will most likely encounter:
Challenge #1: Sleep (or should I say lack there of!)
Sleep deprivation- I cannot fully comprehend it now, although I think have been given a small dose of what it will be like since I have been struggling with sleep for months and seem to have developed new sleeping patterns. However, it probably won't hold a candle to sleeping with a new baby. A lot of the running moms out there that I have read about site lack of sleep as one of the big challenges to getting back into the running game. It is hard to find the motivation to go run ten miles when you have had three hours of sleep.
Challenge #2: Nursing
This seems to be the BIGGEST challenge. If you are a breastfeeding momma, which I plan to be, there are a lot of other things you need to work around. First, I'm going to have to figure out when to feed the little guy. Everything I've read says to feed the baby as close to your run as possible that way he is happy and you can at least begin your run on empty. If the baby is not hungry, then pump. But as moms out there know and I will learn, babies don't always work on your schedule so this is where flexibility comes in. I am going to have to be okay with readjusting my schedule from time to time. Some of the blogs I have read say that it seems like the best time to get runs in is either EARLY in the morning (5 AM) or LATE at night (10 PM). Side Note: If I had a larger house, I would invest in a treadmill. I think it would be worth its weight in gold!
Another challenge with breast feeding that some running moms have encountered is having their milk dry up. It seems like if you are running too much (or maybe it is pushing your body too much), your body does not have the extra materials necessary to produce milk. Also some times the lactic acid that your body produces while running can cause your milk to taste funny and the baby may turn his nose up at it.
The other challenge that I read about that relates to breastfeeding and running is that you must find a SUPER-HUMAN, BULLETPROOF sports bra. As someone who was never really well endowed (just average), this will be something new to me. I have had some recommendations for Title Nice Sports Bras, so I'll have to give those a try.
Challenge #3: Bladder
I have not had too much experience with this while being pregnant probably because my workouts have been 45 minutes or less and I have been doing lower impact exercise (walking and the elliptical). A lot of moms have cited that your bladder, similar to the rest of your body does not magically go back to normal after the baby is born (Shocker, I know!), so plan to have your runs interrupted by bathroom breaks.
I am sure that there are more challenges out there but these seem to be the most common.
I will admit that reading about these things and others' experiences does have me a little discouraged. I don't want these challenges to stop me from trying to get back in the running game or even offer me an easy excuse when things get rough (because unless I just get plain lucky, running is definitely going to be hard work!). I just hope learning about them before Baby Smith is born will help me prepare to better face them and have back-up plans for when something isn't working.
I know not many of my readers are mommy runners, but maybe this entry will come up on some pregnant or new mom's Google search and will help them as other articles and blogs have helped me prepare for postpartum running. It seems the big key to being successful as a new mom getting back into the running game or any other type of physical activity is listening to your body.
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
My Day as a Princess
I had not planned on doing maternity photos, but a friend of mine from work had them done in July and they looked so beautiful and natural - not like some of the ones that I have seen that look super artsy and posed. The photographer was also a good friend of hers, so I decided to give it a try. I did want to capture how I looked pregnant because of course I have had good days when the maternal glow has made me feel pretty, and I also wanted to capture the relationship between Hunter and I which not to be too cheesy, but I feel like we've been growing closer and enjoying our time as a couple more.
So I booked a session with Lisa Sinclair (from Lisa Sinclair Photography in Leesburg).
I will admit that I went back and forth wondering if I had made a good decision. Was I going to be too big to be attractive? Would the third trimester hormones make me break out like a teenager? Would I see the pictures and think what the heck was I thinking? In the end, I just decided to go with the flow. It is what it is, right? It also didn't hurt that my husband was very encouraging and always telling me how good I look- he's pretty great!
The day of our photo shoot arrived and I was feeling great and not looking too bad either (thanks to a halfway decent night of sleep). I felt like a princess because during the shoot, I was the center of attention and I got to wear new clothes (and I LOVE that feeling the first time you wear something you are really excited about). The whole experience made me feel beautiful, despite the bags under my eyes and the stretched scar tissue near my belly button. Below are some of my favorites:

Receiving the DVD with all of our photos on it was like Christmas Day. I looked through the pictures numerous times trying to pick my favorites and determine which ones would look best in the frames I bought just for them! I think if our house was on fire and I could only grab one thing I would grab as many pictures as I could. My family has no idea all the photo shoots that they are in for :)
For all of my expectant readers or even those that are planning on being pregnant in the future, please take the plunge and have maternity photos taken! I cannot recommend it enough. It is a great way to capture one of life's most precious miracles.